some choice words from our lord and savior, yung venuz

"I don't need no bread
I don't need no home
Just everybody dead
And my Nuclear Throne"

this game is the definition of "peaks and valleys"

when MGR delivers, it fucking delivers. it makes you work for it though. enjoy slogging through some of the most mediocre hack and slash gameplay to be rewarded with some of the best boss fights you'll ever play.

still one of my favorite games ever

"emergent gameplay" 101

if you think it'll work, it probably does.

before osu was the gateway drug for many rhythm game players, we had stepmania.

the real proving grounds of fps skill

'The Impossible Game' but for kids with adhd

the measuring stick for player choice and freedom.

game of the millennium.

how can one man make two rage inducing viral hits a decade apart from one another?

i have no idea, but i like climbing the mountain to hear more of what he has to say to me

only better than audiosurf 1 because it has more content.

mod support is great too.

what a giant fuck you to PSO2

peak THPS.

the stars aligned where the story and the gameplay were both at their best.

not quite as good as being aboard Talos One, but this is DLC very worth playing.

took the proof of concept that was "Hotline Miami" and made one of the greatest top-down/twin-stick shooters ever made.

mid + you paid for frame data 😹

you're not trying if you don't feel your hands begging you to stop