stands among some of the greatest in the open world crime simulator genre. fighting and shooting both feel pretty fun, but the gameplay is primarily held back by the awkward driving.

story-wise it rivals mafia 2 for me, i'm not quite sure which of those two has the better writing.

sorta racist that everyone compares it to yakuza... this is hong kong baby!!! (infinitely doper than japan)

you feel like shadow when playing this game, can't say the same for his other playable appearances in the series

i was oddly into this a a kid, not a bad game to revisit from time to time.

a little bit funny, maybe i would even dare to call it a little bit silly....

i grew up with HCTP, so i'm going to be biased when i say this is the 2nd best wrestling game of all time.

still, this is distinctly a different era of pro wrestling and it's great to have a good game from it.

pointless skill tree+bland open world=disappointment

mirror's edge would have benefited from having a proper SEQUEL that built on the base game.

instead EA/DICE took almost 10 years to shit out a reboot that only resembles the original game on the surface.