this entry of guilty gear has justice, the future titles do not.

i rest my case.

got bored really fast, doesn't feel as interesting to play as earlier entries

not as terrible of a game as everyone makes it out to be, but it's definitely not a good sequel.

WotL is one of the peaks of the series, arguably the previous peak before Repentance.

flash isaac was just at its best here, godlike game i put way too many hours into.

finally, Rebirth is a game worthy of being a real sequel to the original.

the fixes to item synergies ALONE make that the case, but the new endgame content is fantastic as well.

warframe is a great game when it's at its best.

the issue is the grind that lies beneath the surface is some of the most tedious and mind numbing shit i've ever dealt with.
unfortunately, i can't dedicate that type of time to a single game without going insane so this game is off the table.

technically great, but the ""story"" detracts from the game enough to be tiring to play.

it's worth a play if you don't mind that.

one of the games that really started the push towards hero shooters. despite me thinking TF2 is a good game, i can't give it praise due to the legacy it left.

cool concept, a traditional campaign for a CS game.

worst way to do a "campaign" of a multiplayer game.

too fun for me to ever put it down forever, but it gets annoying as fuck sometimes so i gotta put it down for a while.

Q3A but easier to play online with people.

not a fan of hero shooter elements mixed with arena fps, doesn't blend very well in my opinion.

dead on arrival
cause of death: fortnite blew up

too addictive for its own good when playing with people, alone it's unbearable.