only if there was a roguelike version of PMD...

blue rescue team is still great though, a good game to revisit if you haven't played it in years.

i dislike having to manage all of the idols in the game, i thought i would have been able to just put together a cool crossover unit and solely use those idols through the game.

the gameplay otherwise is great, and is a nice return to the more classic gameplay.

bought this because i knew the n64 wrestling games were good, little did i know there were bad ones too.

more mechanically engaging than most roguelikes of this fashion, but somehow i was done with it way faster.

fun for a while, but i'd rather go back and play nuclear throne instead

apparently i'm either obsessed with this game or i forget it exists. there is no in between.

not a perfect game by any means, but i think it's one of the more "pure" fighting game experiences out there. it was extremely fun to learn how to play fighting games through playing 3S.

this game is the definition of "peaks and valleys"

when MGR delivers, it fucking delivers. it makes you work for it though. enjoy slogging through some of the most mediocre hack and slash gameplay to be rewarded with some of the best boss fights you'll ever play.

still one of my favorite games ever

EDF is the perfect C-List game, it doesn't hide anything about itself.

you shoot bugs and robots and shit, get random upgrades, repeat. good times.

i grew up with HCTP, so i'm going to be biased when i say this is the 2nd best wrestling game of all time.

still, this is distinctly a different era of pro wrestling and it's great to have a good game from it.

i've put countless hours into this game on and off over the years. the peak of fast paced arcade pro wrestling nonstop action.

the season mode is a great time as well, picking a wrestler and making them into a legend.

there's nothing more to say about minecraft, it is an essential video game. essential in the same way as pong, as tetris, as mario.

still peaked at b1.7.3 tho, fuck hunger !

the technical problems at launch are still unforgivable, but CDPR more or less cleaned up this game to a stable level.

if you shelved the game at launch for technical reasons, it might be worth giving it a second try.

when the game works the way it's supposed to, it's a surprisingly open first person RPG with absolutely killer writing. definitely for fans of cyberpunk as a genre.

a great reimagining of base TF2 without compromising what makes the game itself fun.

no stupid fucking hats, no retarded trading, just some nice straightforward fps action.