an absolute masterclass in video game localization.

i only wish i could understand japanese to play the game both ways, just to see the difference in the jokes and wordplay that make the english localization so great.

stands among some of the greatest in the open world crime simulator genre. fighting and shooting both feel pretty fun, but the gameplay is primarily held back by the awkward driving.

story-wise it rivals mafia 2 for me, i'm not quite sure which of those two has the better writing.

sorta racist that everyone compares it to yakuza... this is hong kong baby!!! (infinitely doper than japan)


the visuals, the soundtrack, even the gameplay still feels great for nearly 15 years later.

the one complaint i could give the game is the combat is weak. though, between disarming + running away, you can avoid that side of things for the most part.

technically great, but the ""story"" detracts from the game enough to be tiring to play.

it's worth a play if you don't mind that.

the story mode is fine, but arena mode really makes this game shine. 7/10 would commit many acts of violence again.

a little bit funny, maybe i would even dare to call it a little bit silly....