had some decent jumpscares. the audio thing is dookie and way too loud. Not so much scary as it is creepy. Pretty fun

sub par vhs / overfiltered / found footage horror game the jumpscare was bad and the atmosphere was just whatever

theres a little bit of suspense i guess. really boring

you can get access to op items like the paraglider that make exploration comically easy/fast instantly if you happen to find it and it'll ruin the fun of the exploration for you like it did for me. That aside the base building, survival, gameplay and combat is good. I just wish I hadn't instantly found a golf cart and paraglider that ruined the exploration for me.

the running past you jumpscare was amazing, and the atmosphere was respectable

could of been great but was just kinda ok the second jumpscare didn't really land

solid jumpscare nothing more

The air is getting warmer around you...

The blueprint for a amazing franchise

Unfinished game. you have to pay even after having bought the game just to play online. SCAM ALERT !

Fun, simple and challenging.

Basically 50% of my childhood

Theres a reason its so popular. Most unique twist on the puzzle genre.