the puzzles and gameplay were extremely boring but the art was pretty cool. Not for me

"Donor only weapon" + frequent crashes.

Dont think it is as bad as people make it out to be it's just too easy and boring.

This game was surprisingly good for a short 30-minute free game from steam. The puzzles were clever and solving them was a lot of fun, despite how short the game was the story was decent and the art style was cool.

Absolutely worth it (it's free and is only 30 minutes long). It'd be really cool if the developer made a longer game in this style.


After replaying this game roughly 5 years later from my initial play-through, I was reminded how amazing the story, world and atmosphere are. This game is almost nostalgic for me. I remember being like 12 and playing for an hour then watching Markiplier play until where I was until I beat the game doing that over and over. Kind of a shame I've built up a somewhat tolerance to horror games because I remember being terrified of this game back then and now I didn't find it the least bit scary. I think this is a great introduction to horror for those who haven't played many games in the genre because the story is so interesting it makes you want to bear through the scary parts so you find out what comes next.

I didn't have fun reviewing the same memories several times to try and figure out who's who amongst the large cast of characters. Although, when I did finally get my first three fates correct, I did feel extremely rewarded and it felt as though the story got a little clearer which is why I'll probably give this game another chance when I have a whole weekend to dedicate to playing this game. Overall, this is no doubt a good game and has its charm but it takes a lot of patience and focus.

I liked the combat but some of the sections in between(especially the platforming) were very boring and annoying.

the jump scare looks like it was made by a toddler but if not cool concept and ending

really fun during lockdown in history class

All I did for the past 2 days was play this game. Ended up completing it in 14 hours(I was very slow with some of the puzzles lol).

This game hits hard.

I don't think I've ever been as attached and immersed in a world as much as I have with Silent Hill. I was speechless throughout this whole game. It's absolutely a must-play, all the praise it gets is extremely well-deserved.

[In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill.]

Amazing story but its too short and had a couple bugs

All the hype and praise this game gets is well deserved. This game's strong point is its atmosphere and environment. The fog, the layout and the sound design create probably the most immersive environment in any game. Exploring the town of Silent Hill is not only fun but also stressful. This game also shows how good use of fixed cameras is much scarier than just relying on jump scares. Aside from the amazing game design, the story and characters are interesting and likable. The only thing I disliked was the horrible voice-acting but the rest of the game more than makes up for that.

the story was getting interesting but I'm not a big fan of the actual gameplay its just kinda boring

They took what I didn't like in the first game and made it good (it has some scary moments, the game doesn't look like shit, etc; .) but removed what I liked from the first game (fun areas, interesting characters/lore, etc; .).