Amazing story but its too short and had a couple bugs

All the hype and praise this game gets is well deserved. This game's strong point is its atmosphere and environment. The fog, the layout and the sound design create probably the most immersive environment in any game. Exploring the town of Silent Hill is not only fun but also stressful. This game also shows how good use of fixed cameras is much scarier than just relying on jump scares. Aside from the amazing game design, the story and characters are interesting and likable. The only thing I disliked was the horrible voice-acting but the rest of the game more than makes up for that.

the story was getting interesting but I'm not a big fan of the actual gameplay its just kinda boring

They took what I didn't like in the first game and made it good (it has some scary moments, the game doesn't look like shit, etc; .) but removed what I liked from the first game (fun areas, interesting characters/lore, etc; .).

Honestly, I enjoyed this more than the base game. It ties up loose ends and has many fun areas to navigate.

Its age is the main thing that brings it down and the last area was, in my opinion, boring. The ending was also underwhelming. Other than that it had a couple of fun areas mainly the sewers and prison. The lore is also quite interesting. The use of the camcorder was also cool. I think I would of enjoyed this much more had I played it a couple of years ago.

I'm praying that this isn't what all of og pt was and that this is just a shitty remake (even though everybody says its the best remake) because this was extremely underwhelming

The entertaining story is the best part even if it is kinda silly at times, with some of the best voice-acting and a likeable cast of characters. Will make you feel uneasy but never scared. If you don't mind reading then you'll probably like this game. I would say the only downside is some of the gameplay parts like the last sequence and the pit that feel are essentially just trial and error.

I lost interest pretty fast

screen horror/phone simulation horror games are not for me

Only gets 2 stars because its iconic

goes up half a star because of the fixed camera angles