they really sat down and said let’s make every character design as hideous as possible

The grandma is the sweetest most precious video game character of all time she must be protected at all costs

No I totally didn’t use the rewind feature on the last level ha ha why would you ask that?

They just made a perfect game even more perfect

When’s the Mary Jane spin off stealth game dropping??? WHEN???

mmmmmmm I just love 19 inches of Venom

It’s an all timer classic with two fantastic lead performances, a plethora of addictive content, an exciting story and a compact playground to explore even if the trophies turn it into a brutal, gruelling, painful and borderline tortuous gauntlet of endless pain

Should be mandatory length for most video games

Had some moments of good writing and the voice acting is quite solid but the gameplay is far too simplistic with some tedious ‘puzzles’. Clearly made on the cheap despite the obvious passion for the series.

Now I can say THIS IS MY DUNE and actually mean it

Slightly better than the first one thanks to some actually well written moments but I’ll be real the ending got me real hooked for the next one