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19 hrs ago

1 day ago

fancyynancyy commented on fancyynancyy's review of Haunted Cities
@Blowing_Wind jajaja me paso también con Scorn, entre todo el detalle morboso y el motion sickness que me dio estaba difícil.

1 day ago

1 day ago

fancyynancyy finished Haunted Cities
I think this was the first impression on Kitty Horrorshow I had a while ago (watched a random playthrough that popped up on youtube), and my opinion hasn't changed after playing it.

It's eerie and visually intriguing, but mostly thematically barren. Leechbowl works as a direct critique of industrialization presented in an angsty trivial way (0_abyssalSomewhere is similar to this, but created its own fantasy world that worked as a metaphor to stylize its commentary); Grandmother is just a dream that Kitty had, so there's not much to analyze here at least (I know this is expanded in a future game); Pente feels like a level from an unfinished proyect, it basically looks pretty then it turns darker and that's it; And Cicada tells a story of a girl that can enter her VHS tapes, and them representing her own memories with one of those implying some kind of trauma. Works similarly to Anatomy, though that game represents trauma in a far more interesting way while also using the video game medium to do so... Here it's through PNGs with texts in them.

Nothing much to say, still want to play other Kitty's projects after playing Anatomy, but Haunted Cities Vol. 1 was really underwhelming.

1 day ago

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