All remakes should be like this. Remakes

They were not lying, the residents were quite evil if you ask me.

I would like to go to Mundaun ngl

Our journey may have been meaningless.
Our past may have been a mistake.
But we're not going back.
Even if this world comes to an end.

Because this...
This is the world with the people we cherish.

If Marquis de Sade was alive, this would probably be his favourite game

This review contains spoilers

Igor, I am your father

A fun survival and resource management game with a unique idea.
Has some problems with optimization but the game is still in early access so they will probably solve it, as well as adding new stuff to it.
The aesthetic that the game has really combines with it.
Also the main menu theme goes hard.

Words can't explain how much I love the Battle Hymn of the Soul - Daisuke Asakura remix music and video
Overall much better remixes than the Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight