142 reviews liked by ddario



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Escaping from
your purpose

Bro, this franchise is not for me at all. I think people like this game because all the secrets give it a lot of replay value and a high ceiling of mastery, and probably a lot of street cred on the playground, but playing it blind was painful at times. There's usually one, sometimes two "correct" places to go in the open world. A lot of the obstacles made no sense to me at all, like pushing random blocks to open a door, or lighting a giant centipede skeleton on fire. Sometimes it's like those point-and-click "try everything on everything" adventure games I could never progress in, and other times it's like a From Software fight with a SNES d-pad. The vast majority of issues were easy to solve, and I guess they were okay? Even if my gripes were addressed, it wouldn't be one of my favorite games. Ultimately, the game's cryptic moments that are obviously so appealing to millions just annoyed me when I didn't know what to do and annoyed me again once I figured them out via brute force. Maybe I'd get more out of a third or fourth playthrough, but I have other games to play right now.

This has a low rating because, unlike steam, this website does not require you to play the game to review the game.

i liked the part where kris said "oough im gonna kris all over you" and they krised all over them

I really wish this wasn't a fetish game and the dev took the "Man made living weapon designed to fuse with humans and turn them into super humans but actually makes them into feral monsters that hunt and turn other humans into them." idea and made something greater with it because it really could've been something more than just "God I want Puro to absorb me."

Parents in 1993 had to make the almost impossible decision of buying this for 60 bucks or getting their kids a sketchbook.

16 different dinosaurs and it still manages to have more content than your average modern mario sports game