this game is amazing in both gameplay and story/narrative terms. the sheer amount of customization is insane. you can be a big ass tank or you can be a lightweight build that can fly all over the place. every kill feels satisfying no matter how you take the opponent out. my only gripes with this game are the boss fights. they're practically impossible for mid-weight builds, and so most of the time i had to switch over to the ol' reliable tank build with gatling guns in order to progress. cel 240 and cinder carla are the worst offenders for this.

ac6's narrative is eye-opening. it was interesting to hear about the different factions' goals and beliefs and the ability to choose who you side with. will definitely be replaying for the different endings + platinum trophy. also v.iv rusty the goat.

dante is patient zero of the sassy man apocalypse

Amazing game. Stellar characters and performances. There are some balancing issues that knocked down a star for me, but nonetheless I had a great experience playing this. Cannot wait for Rebirth

the best installment in the series yet goddamn this game rly is something else

"The story/dialogue isn't good" maybe ur just not a fun person to be around with

UPDATE: Endgame sucks and grinding for mats is painfully slow with the current stamina system. I was gonna knock this game down by a star but then I realized that Wriothesley exists so I'm gonna leave my rating as it is.

ORIGINAL: This game can be a lot of fun but sometimes the grind aspects of it can take it away. So far it's pretty fun but once you get near level 30 be prepared to grind for mats.

A decent follow-up to the first. It's just as fun to play as the first one but it feels just like the first Ghostrunner, apart from going outside the tower for the first time.

I picked this game up and played the first few missions, but I'm probably not gonna play it again. Just wasn't my cup of tea. Ik the story goes crazy tho so I'm just gonna have to binge on lore explanation vids 😭

Although I experienced some balancing issues, this was a wonderful game to play. Top tier roster of characters and art. Would love to see a remake of this one day.

Absolutely stellar remake. I would consider this the definitive version of the game.