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6 days ago

8 days ago

decayofangel finished Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition
i think everyone has probably verbalised my feelings about this game better than i can, but i'll try and keep it nice and short.

anyways, being a part of this game's world for 3 months or so was definitely such a precious and immersing experience i don't think i felt recently. it's just so beautiful and fun and it's just a game that i find myself thinking about a lot.

arthur's story is something so emotional, something so human, it made me connected to everyone around him and himself of course and made his whole journey so memorable with just simply being human beings who make mistakes and try to connect despite being flawed and coming from various ways one can encounter in life.

roaming around camps, listening to everyone's story, trying to make the best out of life even though you're in deep, that's arthur morgan to me. arthur passing the baton to john and their bond is something so beautiful to me and even though the end of arthur's journey was so sad and tragic, john's epilogue and little family has healed me, truly an amazing way to end the game.

even just riding your horse around the huge map, enjoying the scenery, fishing or just strolling around town is fun and not something tedious and boring.... i love how every character had their relevance and story and how you can in every step find something relevant to them. the characters feel real, their struggles and emotions feel very human and not tropey and even the antagonists are written in a fear inducing way, not because of the violence or gore, in a psychological way mostly.

i'm rambling once again but you just need to experience this game once in your life. such an amazing and emotional narrative that i will always remember. instant 5/5.

9 days ago

10 days ago

decayofangel earned the Pinged badge

10 days ago

decayofangel commented on ruili's review of Hashihime of the Old Book Town
HUGE SAME ON MINAKAMI'S ROUTE... honestly i played only his route, which was a lifechanging experience and just read the summary of other routes bc i couldn't be bothered

10 days ago

14 days ago

14 days ago

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