Exceptional at capturing the vibe of Turtles in Time and adding onto it. Bosses can be a little uneven (one semi early fight is brutal, several subsequent ones are a cakewalk, final boss has a huge difficulty spike) and the VO is terrible. Vertical level segments are a bit odd, otherwise great details and variety. Wild soundtrack too.

Fantastic extra chapter that finally lets you roam the Bionis Shoulder that had to be cut from the original release back in 2010 albeit with a new twist on some mechanics and a scaled down party. And even more banger music.

Capcpom still makes really good traditional Zelda games.

All-time great Action RPG with an incredibly epic narrative scale and a truly emotional journey that is ultimately about the very personal and relatable struggle of accepting the circle of life and dealing one's regret and grief. It towers above its peers from that era.

Combat's a little too brutal, otherwise incredible game.