A conversational text adventure about first contact and dealing with a plague. Sequel to Subsurface Circular, which I think I liked more for its quirkiness, but this one felt much bigger, dramatic and like what I said mattered.

After not finishing a game in months, I return with a short one. Plays like... the mech parts of Nier Automata, so it's pretty fun. The story is the most anime trash you can imagine. Couldn't tell you what happened.

I'm not a God of War fan. Ken and QTEs do not mix, but this was alright. Heavy on the Dark Souls inspiration, but the enemy variety is incredibly sparse. I could count enemy types on one hand and every boss on the other.

Ninja Theory's indie foray could only exist outside of a publishers control. It's claustrophobic, fascinating and features so many mechanical tropes from horror games. Combat encounters were a complete drag though. Felt like padding sometimes.

A game I firmly believe was a direct response to the current political climate. I play games as the tides change, so actively committing to this game for 3 weeks straight was incredibly draining. I'm glad I didn't give up on my harem.

Fullbright's follow up to Gone Home. Replaying AR logs of a space station crew's last few days of struggling against their draining oxygen. I loved it.

A cyberpunk horror game by the makers of Layer of Fear, which I hated. This on the other hand, is a lot better. Starring Rutger Hauer for some reason. It's the story of a cop chasing his son through a trail of murders.

Or more specifically, the final DLC. I was actively mad I had to play this. I've really developed a distaste for returning to a game for about 2 hours at a time and I just want to play games when they're finished now. I also refuse to buy them until then.

Wanted to play a small, low stress game on Switch after... all those others. Probably wouldn't recommend it though.

I bought this game 3 times, and now I've finally finished it. I loved the combination of real-time and turn based combat. Something that works so well in practice it's crazy no other series has tried it.

One of many games I bought when it launched and still have to beat... or had to. It's done now. Quick Thoughts on characters: Sera's a monster, Iron Bull betrayed my love and Blackwall was not as boring as I thought.

I loved this game, but 4 years later I have to talk about a version of it that not longer exists. I'll admit, I haven't played the updated version. Perhaps many years from now I'll return to it, but for now I have fond memories of a rather short little Metroidvania that probably got buried by the sheer amount of those games that came out in 2018. I hope it found a greater audience with the update.

I'm a big fan of the old style RE games, even if I only started playing them about 3 years ago. Only once did Mr. X burst out of a wall to get me, and I hadn't been that viscerally scared in a long time. Day 1 purchase, well worth it. Bring on RE3Make

Part linear adventure and part Metroidvania. I actually thought it got a lot weaker as a Metroidvania, despite drastically changing the mechanics when you revisit the old areas. Hilarious and really well written.

A game about a cursed family and the memories of the fallen. Games within games. Roam a kingdom while methodically beheading fish. Roll down a hill as a shark. Take photos of your annoying daughter. It's all a good time.