After not finishing a game in months, I return with a short one. Plays like... the mech parts of Nier Automata, so it's pretty fun. The story is the most anime trash you can imagine. Couldn't tell you what happened.

A conversational text adventure about first contact and dealing with a plague. Sequel to Subsurface Circular, which I think I liked more for its quirkiness, but this one felt much bigger, dramatic and like what I said mattered.

A game about a cursed family and the memories of the fallen. Games within games. Roam a kingdom while methodically beheading fish. Roll down a hill as a shark. Take photos of your annoying daughter. It's all a good time.

This is a Ludum Dare 44 game and while I've played a few short games in 2019, this is the first I'm willing to include on the list, so I recommend it. It's free if you want. Trigger warning for suicide


For the life of me, I can't think of a single game that has so little to chew on as Gris, but masquerades as a game that should. Some decent puzzles, and that 2D animation is GLORIOUS

Brings me back to my cooking days. Back when I was a cat... just throwing food across the kitchen because lava. 10/10 kitchen simulator I'm not even joking.

Also, this is the one game that almost ruined a relationship playing co-op

Or in English... Cat Robot. Cats and metroidvanias. Two of my favourite things. It's very short, leans real heavy on the Metroid aspect and it's super cheap so what are you doing not playing it?

It had a story mode that I finished so it counts... What can I say about Mario Maker that infinite YouTube videos and Twitch streams haven't already?

A VN mystery with light Ace Attorney mechanics(and extremely similar music). For a game I'm sure no one I know has even heard of, it sure gets around. It was being optioned for a Hollywood movie at the time I finished it, but I have little hope for that. It's a little silly for that to be honest.

I played most of this in 2017. Went back to it in 2019 to find I was actually at the end of the game. Though I still had to do like 70 puzzles... so many puzzles... I forgot how most of them work.

This game is clearly designed for multiple playthroughs, something I'm not inclined to do... but even one go at the whole thing shows the breadth of what can be done.

Or you could shoot your targets in the head. The most difficult route, honestly.

It's an isekai about the President of the United States of America... Man there's a lot to unpack and probably not supposed to be. I haven't met a LEVEL-5 game I didn't like though, and this is no exception.

It's a mobile gacha game! I put a lot of time into Fire Emblem Heroes, but I've been searching for a game with robust gameplay mechanics and an involving story and this game goes further than any other piece of trash I've ever played.

Years later, I look fondly on this game. It unfortunately closed the servers outside Japan earlier in 2023, but if they put out a feature complete offline version, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.


I've been getting weirdly nostalgic for this brand of FPS I never really played and in light of the re-releases, I played the PSOne version on my PSP... It's the first FPS on my list and could have easily be the only one. Fun though.

I have a lot to say about this game as a fan of both Yakuza and FotNS. Arguably the best part is the casting of Yakuza alumni as titular characters. Kiryu/Ken. Majima/Jagi. Ryuji/Raoh and much more. It's just perfect casting.

If anything let it down, it was the furious desire to mix classic storylines with new ones, all focuses in the one small town. The new characters designs were more Jojo than Hokuto.