People like to shit on this one and rightfully so, but it does have some of the best action setpieces and music of the entire series.

Cemented me as a lifetime Jill Valentine stan.

If you like Real Men and Serious Country Music you'll probably enjoy this

Looks pretty nice but plays like toxic waste

The game that inspired the next 5 generations

I had a scarier orb experience in the shower this morning


The art direction and character writing in this game are top notch, however the gameplay is pretty repetitive and dull.

This could have been one of the best games ever made, and in some respects it is. The combat is very fun, and there are a lot of mechanics I didn't even delve into, the characters are largely done very well, and exploring the world is very enjoyable.

Unfortunately the game is saddled with an awful metatextual plot which can't seem to stick to its own rules, and generally detracts from the often excellent re-imagining of parts of the original Final Fantasy 7.

It is also so intent to make Chadley a beloved character that they made someone even more annoying than him in order to make him seem 'cooler'. Unfortunately he just ends up being misogynistic to the AI woman he created, so he comes off worse instead.

Queen's Blood is legitimately an all-time great minigame, but most of the others are an absolute waste of space.

The highs are so high that the lows are extremely depressing.

Ada is great, and this DLC is a nice chunky boy.

This collection is incredible, but it gets marked down half a star because you can't choose the 'classic' font as a default, so you have to sit through the entire intro of each game looking at the awful, glaringly out of character smooth modern font until you are able to get into the menu to change it.

This is a game so chock full of great concepts, weird and engaging characters, and fulfilling story arcs. It also unfortunately has occasional moments of quite frustrating and dated feeling gameplay, which end up hampering an otherwise exquisite experience.