I really wanted to play this game, but I didn't understand what it was about and how to play it at all... Since I had other titles to play, I decided to put it aside for now.

What a great game!! I put it on the shelf before reaching the Spire because it's not that easy, but I come back to this game from time to time, installing it on my PS and often playing via Playstation Remote on my iPad or iPhone while lying on the couch :)

I tried AC again, hoping that something would "click" this time, but no... nothing clicked at all, it actually pushed me away... I'm trying to stay away from Ubisoft games...

Wow !! What a game, what a story !! Idk why I started playing this game so late.

Nothing new compare to BF3 / BF4 / BFBC etc...

Great game (except of 2h cut-scenes "never ending" ending..)

I found this game just perfect for Playstation Portal..

Great action-adventure game. Better than Shadow of Tomb Rider in my opinion. Visuals are worse but story is much better.

One of the best game I ever played and I'm gamer since 80s

Amazing game. Very unusual but have their own style and climate. It can be played few times with different outcome for sure.

One of the best game I ever played

Another amazing Witcher 3 DLC !! And longer that H&S - much longer. Only issue I got was that "yellow" scenery. They literally put level of yellow too high. I couldn't play on PS4 and LED TV and shelved. Returned on PS5 (with enhanced version of W3 and LG CX OLED and finished then. "Yellow" level was the same imho but OLED handled that very well.

It's been about 20 years, and I still remember the emotions this game provided. The graphics were also breathtaking, especially for that time!

I started this game on PS4 Pro but I really couldn't stand out frame dropps. However on PS5 this issues gone and I finished campagain