22 Reviews liked by dextertt

Infelizmente Pacific Drive não me agradou o quanto eu esperava, não é um jogo ruim, mas tem muitos elementos que acabaram tirando meu interesse em continuar jogando.
Primeiramente quero destacar os pontos positivos dele, as músicas que tocam na rádio são incríveis, a mecânica de upar o carro e de fazer as manutenções são legais.

O que não me agradou nem um pouco foi a sua história, achei muito fraca e desinteressante, chegou a um momento do jogo que eu simplesmente fazia as missões sem nem saber o porquê direito.
Outra coisa que me pegou um pouco, foi o fato do jogo não ser mundo aberto, não que eu ache jogos de Extraction ruins, mas acho que esse jogo caberia muito mais um mundão aberto.
As anomalias do jogo são muito sem graça, acho que se o game tivesse algumas ameaças reais, seira bem mais legal. Sinto que esse jogo tinha um potencial incrível e foi mal aproveitado, poderiam botar algum tipo de combate simples e um risco maior em cada run misturado com a mecânica do carro, seria bem mais interessante.
Como falei antes, não é um jogo ruim, da para relaxar jogando, mas acho que completar toda a história desse game não rolou para mim

Very goofy (good way).

Two of the three games the dev team cites as major inspirations are Devil May Cry and Guilty Gear. Know that they specifically mean the first Devil May Cry. As for the Guilty Gear comparison, I understood it at the surface level (Roman Cancel + movement is similar). Then I reached the penultimate boss-fight of the game and had the feeling of "this game is now for people that place top 8 for Guilty at EVO".

Slave Zero X is the game that has kicked my ass the most since playing the original release of DMC 3 when I was a child. This is the first game in 20 years that I am putting on the "I'll finish someday" backburner solely because of difficulty. Game is pretty neat for that.

I will say there are still criticisms. For one the game often feels like it leaves the "DMC" inspiration in favour of a traditional Beat 'em Up or Musou. These moments can work briefly, but the later levels really lean into this, I think to the game detriment. As these are the moments where the game most heavily devolves into popping DT to spam EX moves as much as possible, then popping Burst to get full meter to repeat the cycle.

Also for a game that cares enough about player skill expression to put in a training room, it's weird there is not only no movelist, but the only time you can view the controls/see what the mechanics are is if you replay and skip the intro cutscene level.

Even with those gripes, I think the game mostly succeeds in what it's trying to do. If all of that sounds like something you need in your veins right now, I would definitely recommend. Visualy gorgeous with an OST that goes off, if you are looking for a challenge, Slave Zero X is a great option.

If you do pickup the game, I'll give two recommendations:
1. Go to volume settings and max out the Music track. Otherwise it will get completely washed out.
2. EX moves aren't L+H like it says, its a piano roll. So in very quick succession L>H (For the people coming here as a character action fan, like how you would pull off an Afterburner Kick in Bayonetta)

[Edit, literally the day after writing this: Beat the game, penultimate fight was the hardest fight for sure. The final boss right after was pretty weak imo.]

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this game means so much to me. there was so many moments in this game that just left me sobbing and crying, leaving me to think about MY own life in the process.

i spent so much time with this game man. so many major scenes were done so tastefully and beautifully from fes. this game visually is so gorgeous, seeing port island like this is still so crazy to me. the music in this game dude? FUCK bro they were COOKING so fucking hard. i know there is like alot of thoughts on certain reloaded versions of songs but i personally grew to love them or heck, love even more than the OG like changing seasons for example like god what a good song man. but the new tracks like color your night and its going down now? new favorites with color your night ESPECIALLY being on top 3 levels in persona music personally speaking. overall, music is #GAS #ALLTIMER

the gameplay was exactly what i expected and its so much fun. tartarus had now become a blast to run to, making personas and creating builds using a fan calculator, its all here and i love it so fucking much!

this game's loop becomes so addicting and i love how it just gets going rather quick too. the much needed dorm hangouts were such a fun way to add more life to the dorm, but also SEEs as a group. link episodes were also an incredible addition, giving characters like ken much needed development and personally has now become a character i love a lot. i also just love the fact every slink in this game is fully voiced. even though some slinks in this game while not the greatest, (except maya she is #foreverwashed) i still appreciate the extra push and im glad that this will probably be an ongoing standard for future persona games. gotta give flowers to yuko, maiko, mamoru and akinari especially for giving so much life to these already fantastic slinks.

i was just having the funnest experience going through the first half of this game as it slowly introduces new stuff in the process. but once october hit and onwards, it just became an emotional rollercoaster that i will never forget. shinjiro and chidori's death were something that i knew would eventually happen but, god those moments hit so much harder in this game. again, the voice direction is just incredible in this game. akihiko's awakening was so gut wrenching, EVERYTHING with junpei and chidori was just so beautiful man. aigis' voice progressively becoming more human as the game goes, all of it is just amazing. the voice cast is unbelievable. everyone did an incredible job, especially aigis and junpei for me were huge standouts. dawn and zeno were just amazing.

i remember hitting the very last stretch of the game. january started and the dorm's living with determination begun playing, thats when it truly solidified that this is one of the best games i've ever played. and once i beat nyx, march rolled around and i literally just sat there, tears down my face for an hour straight going through every character, every npc and what they had to say.

i was terrified about 3/5 especiallly, considering how i was reacting to the rest of this entire game bro? (crying alot) i knew i wasnt ready. but once it happened, it destroyed me man. makoto and aigis' final scene was absolutely gorgeous, heartbreaking, hopeful and so much more. the fact that they went out of their way to create exclusive sound effects and such a unique way of displaying makoto's dialogue choices in this scene was such an incredible touch to an already incredibly perfectly done ending in fes.

this game is everything i wanted for a persona 3 remake. p3's story touched me like not many stories have and seeing this game being a thing is such a surreal thought to me still. this game is in levels of xenoblade 3 and kingdom hearts 2 for me specifically on how they all have a special place in my heart. thank you for this game, im truly grateful for it.

hug your loved ones!!!!!!!!

Not all heroes wear capes, some wear seriously outdated suits.

It's been a long road getting to this point for both myself and Yakuza's main star Kiryu Kazama. Like many people I got into this series with Yakuza 0 through word of mouth in 2017 and wondered what I had missed all that time. There simply isn't another game series like it. It's a Frankenstein's monster whose separate parts on paper don't feel like they should work but amalgamated together they create something magical. They are serious crime dramas, only they are off beat comedies. They are beat 'em ups yet also adventure games, RPGs and dating simulators. It's all of these things and yet none of them. Not all it's ideas work, when they throw so much at the wall some things don't always stick but without fail for me they are always emotional, hilarious and entertaining.

The series' big selling point to me though is actually it's world design. This series along with Deus Ex made me realise I don't dislike open worlds, I dislike vast areas for the sake of being vast with empty meaningless content, sometimes less is more. Yakuza games are open worlds done right, not gigantic bloated icon maps usually used for those descriptions but smaller denser hubs. Locations have meaning, they have personality, the cities feel like characters in the game as much as the cast. If the game tells me to go to a shop or street I normally know where it is without having to bring up a map. They are full of life, small compact and focused.

Yakuza 6's story follows this same thought, whether it was because this was the first game on the Dragon Engine at the time meaning they cut back I don't know but I appreciated the sharper focus on Kiryu rather than the overly large games before that were getting a bit too big for themselves. Kiryu was really the heart of this game, it's his personal story about his own values and dedication to family. Hard to discuss without spoilers but whilst the overall story wasn't quite my cup of tea generally resulting in some pacing issues it still has some fantastic characters, moments and voice acting. This is partially because Yakuza's cinematography for it's cutscenes are a step above most games to me. The camera angles, facial details and expressions have always been extremely impressive but I truly noticed it here.

Like every Yakuza game the side content is often as important as the linear main story. Yakuza 6 scales back on this too but there is still a wealth of content here I spent a lot of my 70 hours playing through on. Spear fishing in an underwater on rails shooter, building up a clan for street fights in a mini strategy game, helping a small baseball team beat their countryside rivals (I'm not into baseball but this is making me consider some other games for it) as well as the usual suspects like cabaret clubs, video chat dating, mahjong and arcade games. It even has the full arcade game of Virtua Fighter 5 as optional content which is pretty crazy as far as a throw away mini game is concerned.

Honestly except some story beats I just don't have anything negative to say about this game. The combat is a little simpler than some other titles though that doesn't concern me much as the moment to moment narrative beats and atmosphere are the core to the series to me. I started it because I needed to play it to play Gaiden as I skipped from 5 to 7 initially but then had a feeling of regret I hadn't played it sooner as the Yakuza magic took hold of me. I love the world, the characters, the side content, exploring and taking in the sights of the locations. Yakuza as I discussed is a lot of things but to someone who grew up as a Sega fan it really shows to me that they still have that spark that made me a fan of theirs in the first place and may it long continue.

+ Hiroshima is a great new location.
+ Cinematography and voice acting are superb.
+ Baseball, spear fishing and clan fighting are pretty fun side content.
+ It's Yakuza.

- Storyline is a little up and down.

if the title didnt already give you an idea of what this game is then the opening cinematic should. scared kid heads to the toilet. toilet shoots him 20 feet into the air then sucks him into a space shooter world where every monster has a butt that shoots poopoo. turtle with a turd shell, pig-spider with a ginormous ass, mosquito with a dangling lil peepee, etc. overall, there's nothing special about it outside of the novelty.

Um dos jogos mais divertido já feito, conheci a franquia pelo BTD Battles e tenho um carinho por ela até hoje, BTD 6 elevou tudo dos outros jogos a outro nível gráficamente e mecanicamente, mesmo sendo lançado em 2018 até hoje recebe atualizações e novos modos de jogo. Esse jogo tem quase o mesmo efeito de alguma droga pesada, sempre que volto a jogar fico muito viciado, durmo pensando em macacos e bananas, e acordo pensando em macacos e bananas.
Acho que o único probleminha dele são alguns dos eventos, que acho um pouco sem sal, mas eu recomendo a todo mundo que está pensando em começar a jogar, não precisa jogar os outros, começa por esse aqui mesmo que é mais bonitinho e agradável.

Peguei no Pal
Montei no Pal
Voei no Pal
Nadei no Pal
Fiz carinho no Pal
Cruzei os Pals
Alimentei o Pal

que surpresa boa, não estava esperando muito de Kingdom Eighties, mas gostei demais desse jogo, sai um pouco do design dos outros títulos, tem uma pega anos 80, mas a gameplay continua a mesma, e me agradou demais.

Minha primeira vez jogando Final Fantasy, o Píxel Remaster tornou esse jogo bem mais tragável e eu acabei me divertindo bastante, apesar de alguns problemas de mecânicas (eu não aguentava mais enfrentar mob, queria um repelente igual no Pokémon pqp) e de progressão, já que o jogo não deixa muito claro qual o próximo passo que você deve da para progredir no jogo. O último boss eu achei difícilzinho, todos os outros inimigos foram tranquilos de enfrentar, mas o Caos... mas no todo o jogo é legal

Jogo bom, nem parece que tem a EA envolvida

O jogo da minha vida, simplesmente perfeito, a direção de arte, a trilha sonora, o designer, a sua história, são impecáveis nunca um jogo me fez sentir tantas emoções como esse. Obrigado Fumito Ueda, obrigado.

Chama muita atenção pela mecânica de recrutar os Orcs, mas é extremamente repetitivo, infelizmente me decepcionei bastante.

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"Ethan, free my family---please"

O jogo é excelente, mas deveria ter um pouco mais de fases.
Joguei com minha namorada, quase apanhei.
Recomendo 🤕👍🏼