this was a game, for sure. definitely a game. that exists.

this shit mean something to me man

i’m feeling full of beans

the end never being the end aside, i don’t think ive ever played a game that’s written better than this. absolutely amazing

the end credits is a god damn friday night funkin mod

that aside, if you are a fan of 3d platformers, especially adventure era sonic, you owe it to yourself to play this game. great stuff here

playing this with a no kinect patch kinda did nothing to help it. went from unresponsive mess with bad track design and cutscenes to boring game with bad track design and cutscenes

they fucked it up bad, makes sense for it not being as good cuz it’s a wii game and all but like. holy fuck

at least jet makes a funny face

idk what was going on when they came up with this but thank god they did

i just torrented 1.5 instead cuz ps2 emulation looks like booty

story was eh, gameplay was some heat, miles is him

this game may or may not make you feel like spider-man

i never want to play a plane level ever again

at least it’s a solid step in the right direction