I ain't downloading a computer bricking spyware just to play Gragas. It's been fun. 15% of the time.

PS2 Revisionism made this game look WAY more fun than it actually is. Kinda liked playing it as a kid and even that might be overestimating it a bit. Kombat Combat is fun for 20 minutes, so is everything else, interesting becomes bland quick (granted, I played for some 4 more hours or something like that, because I'm a moron). That gets worse because the game also tries to be a platformer and it's so insistent on that it causes me physical pain, so that fighting becomes button mashing, boss fights suck absolute ass and platforming jump sections become torture. Don't think playing it with a friend would helped making the game better, but suffering together is always preferable than doing it alone. Won't give it a half star because it's some fun on laughability, terrible cutscenes and voice acting; Case in point is the scene that plays before Baraka's fight, true testament to the latent, mostly untapped comedy that engulfs Mortal Kombat as a whole. In fact, it's ridiculous that it took me a long time to realize this, but this franchise doesn't really have its charm anymore after you're no longer 11 years old. I mean, nothing wrong with being goofy, or even enjoying watching as the enemy pours down litres of blood after you punched his throat or something. But it fucking stinks when you're told left and right that's the best game this decadent fighting game series ever spit out, and that it's got this deep, awesome, fun action with a serious story! Fuck off. I'll stop here before I lose my head over a 2005 game. And don't get me started on those shitty fatalities. Play something else.

This review contains spoilers

minor gameplay spoilers so I put spoiler warning on
Nice. Don't think/know if it's a masterpiece as I remembered it to be when I first saw a playthrough (almost) 10 years ago. I was 10 years old when this was released and I really didn't have any prior contact with the franchise, although I was really into a horror game youtuber at the time, and so I've really held this and other games like Outlast to a really high standard for a long time. Today, even though I've matured a bit, actually played the game myself and no longer think it's a perfect game, I can't really see why I LOVED it (or why I don't anymore), but it is pretty clear that it is somewhat of an acquired taste, or at least not for everyone.

For starters, yes, the game sometimes feels too long, as some of its attractive points wear out rather quickly, and others are stretched throughout without much attraction in the first place. 2nd half starts wack, and the ending isn't bad but it isn't remarkable either, same goes for the story and the expendable side-stories readable in the various terminals scattered throughout Sevastopol, which feel just like they're serving the purpose of either: filling you into obvious main story points; or adding to the whole theme of "ah shit. the creature's fucking us up. seegson too. aw man. we're doomed. also the password to that door is 9374". Hard difficulty isn't really hard, even before you're actually used to the game, (granted I did say I've watched this whole game playthrough prior to playing it, even though it was several years ago), and when you start to think it's getting hard, you get a neat flamethrower, which, by the way, you get much ammo for, easily, which is also the case for almost every usable item in the game - so much so that you'd think it'll be an action packed game, which some reviews will also tell you is not the case here. The androids suck not only on the lore, but also to play against 'cause they're boring. Feels good to throw a pipe bomb at 'em? Yeah, I guess. Not really. Shotguns and your revolver take 2137 shots to take 'em down. Later on, they get a special hazard suit. You can't EPM, shoot, bomb, or put them on fire (you already couldn't do that last one). As said before, not really hard (just run for a bit and crouch on a corner), still boring. They do serve as a quick scare sometimes, so there's that.

I didn't plan on writing such a long paragraph on the game's negatives, almost feels like I'm basing my rating on something you can't really guess what - that said, I would like you to guess what are/is, for me, the positive(s) this game has to offer. Friendly clue, it's on the title!

If you guessed "Alien", that's correct! The alien, that is so informally introduced as the ventilation crawling homicidal creature, that makes you shit your pants from the moment you see it crawling down the vent on the best in-game cutscene (or even earlier, if you're unlucky) to the long last stretch of the game when you're happily granted with the knowledge that there are now AlienS, in the plural - i.e., you're fucked - is the strongest appeal of the game, and I would say by FAR if it weren't for the second word on the title. But we'll get on that after this. After watching the first Alien movie shortly after starting my gameplay, I can appreciate much more the direction the game takes in its scariest sections, when the Xenomorph stalks around in your proximities while you have to figure out where to go and what objective to do. Of course, these sections are numerous and understandable as tiring, even with the premise, of Mr. Tall Boots hunting you down, but the power the AI exerts over the gameplay is tremendous in which it makes you feel like you're in an Alien movie!!1(IGN ahh comment lmao) commands your and the Xeno's actions as if you're surviving against an alive, invincible and lethal being. Not only that, the creature has different settings for its behaviors, as if it's learning your patterns and in the next bout, it will get you. As I cited as a negative point, the game's difficulty feels unreal and inflated. I still feel as that's true, but a lot of the comments about it give me the contrary impression. As much as I would like to say "skill issue lol", I understand (and have already so) that it isn't for everyone and people have different experiences with the shit-your-pants kinda game. However, I never felt that this was an unfair experience, at least not when facing Eggplant Head. Terrifying, butt-clenching, sweat-dropping? Yea. Arduous, slow, fatiguing? Maybe, but certainly not unjust. Equilibrated with the terror of the situation and all that comes with an Alien premise, albeit well translated in videogame form and fun horror experience. Really quick addendum because this is taking too long: The Isolation part is not main focus, but also worth mentioning 'cause the soundtrack, atmosphere and level design really do the trick to fuck you up in case you're having too much of a swell time, making you uneasy almost on the verge of a panicking play which could lead you to a game over of sorts. Honestly, I think the first movie does a better job at this, claustrophobia-wise, but Isolation performs really well on this category and related game characteristics.

In conclusion: Yeah, so what. Too big a game and list of unfavorable points? I know. A dublagem em português é uma merda? Também. Eu não conseguia escutar nada que a Ripley falava. Aliás, todo mundo falava que nem os andróides, e não tinha opção de botar o voice-acting original.I didn't really feel like playing mission 13. Or 14. But I think the point stands that Isolation is very good on what it does, so much so that it is, all the same, revered as one of the best horror games of the last decade and a standout for a videogame adaptation of an iconic film, especially in the horror genre (other '70s and '80s movies didn't have the same luck, even nowadays). It's not without its flaws, of course, yet, still an excellent Alien game, and a justly admired, pretty solid horror game. I'd give it a 7.1/10.

eu e o jonatan santos comemos o frango de macumba

better than Of The Titans, but also not really. Surfing's gone, you're gonna see way too much backtracking, but combat's better by 1 minor improvement, and, holy shit, check this out, you can now JUMP with the mutants! Great. Probably one of the game I played the most on my childhood, alongside DB Tenkaichi 3, Naruto Ultimate Ninja 5, Ben 10 Protector of Earth, etc; but, contrary to these 3 cited, thinking about this game today kind of pisses me off. Matters not the obvious reason, but the important fact that it sucks and doesn't really make it fun, 85% of the time, much like its predecessor. What I will give it, though, is that it's got some fun animated cutscenes. Silly humor is the best thing in these Crash games and that's both good and terrible. This game does it well, too, and the aforementioned cutscenes aren't really special in theirselves, but they make for a good and fun break from late 2000's uncanny Crash (which design is somehow better than OTT's, as so are most of the characters/mutants. Cortex still looks abominable). OST is also better than last time. So, yeah, I said to "consider playing Mind Over Mutant instead" on the Of The Titans review. Do yourself a favor and play neither. Maybe Tag Team Racing. That one's fine, it sucks in a good way. These 2 are close to terrible.

Janky, silly, stupid and with laughable story and acting. This game sucks. And I really like it for that. More than I should, probably, but it does well on charm, OST and overall personality. The PS1 graphics help on setting the weird tone too. I totally get why this was a hit. 2 addendums, Jill > Chris. Also fuck them Hunter α bitch-ass monsters.

Fun. Nothing special, but not bad at all.

One of the best games of the walking sim genre (would be my favorite if not for The Stanley Parable), Gone Home is a short but heartfelt game about exploring your house after you have been away for 2 years. Just from this brief sinopsis, you really couldn't judge, but this game has an excellent amount of atmosphere, detailing and emotion to it. Also great pacing-wise, creative and well thought out so that it doesn't get tiring, in that sense. I will say, though, that a tad bit of the exploring IS, at least in face-value, kind of filler feel and the plotlines could use more polishing (mostly in the first half). That said, it is surprisingly well-written while being subtle at times, as is the score, which permeates the voice messages with fitting tone and different feelings as the story progresses - not to mention the straight up riot grrrl BANGERS one can find in cassette mixtapes throughout the house. All in all, I would say it is a lovely experience, for this is a game full of personality and love from assets models, artwork, voice acting, storytelling and writing. Might not be everyone's cup of tea (as can be attested in the huge pile of "too little for 15$"), but i'd recommend it to anyone who likes an appealling, lovely, earnest story or even just the Walking Sim genre. I'd give it a 9,1/10.

Bonus: for those who loved the game, as I did, the Commentary Mode gives fun and interesting insight on the making of the game, from main devs and directors, model creator, score musician and even Corin Tucker from Sleater-Kinney (!!!) and Heavens to Betsy (band whose songs are included in the aforementioned 'riot grrrl' game soundtrack), all of these commentators making the experience of playing and understanding the process of game developing all the more endearing - special props to voice actress Sarah Grayson, for an emotionally loaded comment on the work of interpreting Sam Greenbriar.

Bonus 2: Loved the "put back" mechanic. Stupidly long review, I know, but I had to put it in. I loved that.

mediocre at most times. has some nice ideas but can't figure out how to work them out/not make it boring fast, i.e.: monsters that can't jump (?), combat and platforming that aren't bad but drag out for ages, copy and pasted mutants, platform sections, etc.; best parts are surfing/skating and mounting The Scorporilla™ and maybe the sound design (VA's kinda try to save this, there are funny bits here and there and lots of minion voice lines). can't bother to make a well written review besides the obvious but must also say that this game has some of the worst boss battles in the franchise, an aspect that isn't really a high bar in crash games. quite disappointing, consider playing Mind Over Mutant instead.

very good game, has good and interesting characters all around, nice aesthetics, va's, etcetera, and brings a great discussion about morals (as expected from a "choose your own adventure" game) but also justice, ethics and community. although some decisions actions feel a bit questionable and/or unbelievable in the setting, logic-wise, and some parts may feel a bit anti-climatic or uneven, it holds up its premise and keeps it fun. I'd recommend it, specially for players who love this type of game and telltales's in general. excited for the second game.

rushed ahh game. funny sometimes but real fun is way rarer. soundtrack can get tiring but is pretty good overall. gameplay kinda repetitive, rough around the edges, has gamebreaking glitches. thing is, it could've been a great game, and nostalgia kinda makes you feel like it was/is great (it wasn't). play warped or tag team racing instead.

way too much time on this, but it's fun at least half the time