Quite possibly the worst game I've ever played across the spectrum. Graphics, audio, gameplay, story, all poopoo. I can't believe I paid full price for this when it was new.

I had to take a break with this game. I got to the final boss and I had to stop playing because I didn't want the game to end. Eventually I beat it but what a rollercoaster.

This game is amazing. More content than you can shake a banana at, insane boss fights, ear-worm level soundtrack. Fight me. It's not trendy to hate this game anymore, especially if you've never played it.

Not taking questions from those who haven't played it.

How this game differs from other entries in the DKC series is the sheer volume of shit to do. What made the old school donkeys shine was the simplicity and technicality of the platforming and movement. Trop take this to 11 with all kinds of shit for you to interact with while you're moving through very precise platforms and janky physics. Perhaps we were all spoiled with DKC 2 and other entries are held to that standard, but Trop is a beautiful game that executes its myriad of ideas well, despite the cramped feeling of the game.

It's very clear this game had to walk in order for the sequel to run.

Being able to go back to Kanto blew my mind back then, and it still does.

I'll never look at oxygen the same way again

After hundreds upon hundreds of hours, I finished my first turn. This game is gonna be great!


As of writing this I have almost 300 hours in this game with 1000+ attempts and 4 victories. Take from that what you will.

I never stop playing this game for very long.

Only good for Battlegrounds, but even then.......

Season one was pure. It slowly lost soul over the years until season passes came into existence, and now it's unplayable.