this game and borderlands should have a contest to see who has the most unfunny cutscenes. the music and gameplay are very good but that's about all i liked. alot of people love this game but it just never clicked with me. story was not engaging, the main cast designs look like generic units in a gacha game, and everything plays out like a 4/10 seasonal anime. this game isn't bad but personally there was just too much i didn't like. i hear 1 and 3 are much better so i definitely wanna give them a chance. xc2 has alot i do like but i have very little desire to finish this game despite having 40+ hours invested.

i've been watching the barbie movies with my gf and decided to play some of the games for her. this game is made for children so i'm not gonna do an exaggerated avgn rip off review, i'll just say only play this for nostalgia. its abandonware and like an hour long. also the controls are literally just arrows and space bar with some point and click, so yeah, it is a game.

excellent arcade racer and a great compilation of ridge racer tracks. but i recommend skipping to ridge racers 2 for psp (which i believe is also on ps5) since it has all the content of this game plus more.

i really wanted to like this game because it has a nice style. a persona style hack n slash sounds very appealing but... p5 strikers exist. dusk diver's combat is very similar to gravity rush but the level design is extremely weak. i played for over 3 hours and just felt like i was just going through motions. it's decent game but the level design is just too dry for me with gameplay that's decent, but not strong enough to make up for it's flaws

i can see why people dislike this game but seeing reviews less than 2 stars has me wondering if we played the same game. and i guess that's true for some because i played this game post patch. ffxv has many issues, but i still liked it enough to get the platinum trophy awhile back. if this game wasn't called final fantasy, people would be way nicer. i get not liking it but, like i see with ff13, people calling this the worst rpg they've played is ridiculous. that means you haven't played enough bad games. i understand a lot of the criticisms, but if you go in with an open mind you'll find a decent action rpg with a lot of heart. is it a bad final fantasy game? yeah... kinda. but i think it's pretty good roadtrip.

i downloaded some simple series games out of curiosity. most are pretty bad but this plays like mario tennis with egregious boob physics. I can't recommend this game because there are better tennis games that aren't also hyper-sexualized, but it's a surprisingly fun and arcadey game if you just wanna try some couch co-op and have a laugh. also i just wanted to be the only review for this game to feel special.

i really love this kind of level design. it's so easy to accidentally speedrun some of the levels lol. i played this through the new hd remaster. this game is fantastic but if i had to rely on save crystals it'd be far more frustrating. if you can handle tank controls, i really recommend the remaster or at the very least the og pc version. this game is so cool.

zelda 2 but fun. also the soundtrack bangs.

the last area can be frustrating but i forgive this game because it has stepping wind and that song bangs. i'm glad klonoa exists.

The characters and supports aren’t as memorable as 3H, but i still ended up loving the characters more than I initially thought. Great voice work adds a lot of character to some of the supports. Some of the best gameplay in the series. The difficulty of Conquest maps with less gimmicks. DLC maps are just “ok” but have some really fun tools with the new emblems. Character building in this game is all around extremely fun. The amount of tools and skills adds so much to the strategy. Overall some of the most fun i’ve had with an FE game. Also Merrin <3

just learned how to blj irl.

Not for everyone but highly recommended for people who like classic RE, Silent Hill, and Haunting Ground. the va is not great, it's a bit glitchy, and fairly easy to exploit (the stalker enemy is easily avoided by just entering and exiting the room.) the story is fun but the writing is a bit butt ass. i think hokey va can be fun in stuff like re or even adds a twin peaks vibe, but it definitely hurts this game. otherwise, the level design is great. the puzzles are fun, even if they can be a little obtuse. the map is kinda bad objectively but I think it helps this game. it shows you your general area but doesn't show you your exact location so you have to get somewhat familiar with the hallways. this game has a lot of flaws but just as much heart. if you love classic survival horror and have a tolerance for some jank, you should definitely grab this game before the sequel.

cute, indie collectathon platform. nothing innovative, but a nice 4 hour experience. great music and pretty environments. worth it if you want to chill and play a stress free game.