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beat kolmi
need to do stuff like sun quest
no time, cpu & too many games

beat everything except chipset 2

fun game, precise movments wacky bug bosses


beat 1 easy demon and jumped to an insane
will be unfinished for months
love mothmelons though, play it

Tboi but with a plethora of guns
fun gameplay
might complete the game without the game babying me someday

fun extraction shooter, cant afford tarkov
cheaters have died down at least in poor lobbies
pve is fun & pvp will give me a heart attack

not really a fan, cant explain why well
movement is clunky and holding the fire button hurts my fingers
dont let this stop you from playing it if you want to though im just rambling to myself

played tein, fluid platformer that is really fun
~4k deaths for base game with 50% completion and no carts finished
will probably do more if i become a god gamer

missing golden berries
~expert modded
beautiful game

played on linux & windows
great game ~3-4k hours on it mainly playing 1.8.9 and 1.12.2 for pvp and mods
sometimes gets boring/i get burnt out of it really fun with friends