Probably the best Jackbox Party Pack. Every party pack has 1 or 2 really good games that you want to keep coming back to for partys. This has 4. Quiplash, murder trivia, guesspionage, fakin it. Tee k.o. is a bad drawing game.

A very well done escape the room in VR. I dont really like escape the room games, but this one is done well.

I played this as a kid and thought it was so fun. Never could beat it. I still think about it sometimes though. It left an impression. I have tried to find it again, but not available on PC as far as I know.

Very interesting world and story concept. The story is very light though, Gameplay is fun but not fantastic. The art and world concept is what carries this game. Game play feels like a modern tomb raider game.

Super popular gotcha free mmorpg. There is no challenge to this game. Fighting is so easy. All you do is explore and collect waifus. Does have cool graphics. Open to so many platforms.

Cool concept, boring game play. Just switching doors open and close and turning lights on and off hoping that a bad guy doesnt get you. Dumb

Awesome introduction to VR. Couldnt ask for a better free VR intro game.

The game play sucks. The worst of any FF game I have played. The graphics are awesome and the world looks really interesting, but if I dont like the combat then the game isnt really fun to play. I tried this twice. It is retired for good now.

My favorite final fantasy game besides the online ones.
Bad acting/chessy writing. Some of the characters can get annoying and graphics at this point arent great
Awesome story. Fun game play- semi turn based system. I got really into the grind of getting better gear and powering up for the end game. Was fun.

Played this on playstation. I bought this to replay. I never did. I probably never will. I never tried X-2 either. This is how steam makes money >< So many people buy games and never play them. FFX is one of the best FF. Probably make second favorite.

I wanted to love this game. I like FF. It got great reviews. I just didnt like it. I didnt like the story. The game play isnt super interesting and I didnt really care about the characters. The graphics and art were awesome though! Even though I didnt like it much, I finished it and will probably pick up part 2 when its under 10$

14 hours and I still havent gotten past like the 3rd floor. I suck at this game. I play for a bit and then put it away and come back years later. I still want to get back into at some point. I guess that means I think it can be a really fun game. I just need to get better at it. Maybe if I get better I would upgrade the rating.

After trying again. I think I just dont like this kinda game. It is boring too me and find myself only caring about upgrading. The actual game play is boring. I fight through levels to get the high of an upgrade. Not really a good game for me.

Table tennis in Vr. Physics are great. This is a very well done game for what it is, but if I wanted to play Table tennis I wouldnt play a video game.

Just like a lot of people, I found myself modding this game more than actually playing it. The modding community for this game is insane. It was also awesome to see this giant world in VR. I dont really like the game play or the story. I dont like just exploring to explore. This is what a lot of the game is, I think. The world levels up with you in a weird way that made me feel like there was no real progression. In the end this is just not my type of game.

This was pretty fun wave shooter. Cartoony graphics. I enjoyed it, but probably not great anymore compared to other games available to play.