One of the best platformers out there. Art quality is superb and the game play is very fun. The story is also really well done and emotional. The map can get confusing and easy to get lost, but never feels like I am constantly lost.

I tried very hard to like this. It has the art style that I like. Anime -ish. Has a cool changing game play. The style is very unique and the story is supposed to be really good, but you have to beat it several times to really get it. Well I only beat it once and couldnt bring myself to play through again as a different character. I didnt really enjoy the first play through anyway. I thought the atmosphere was depressing and weird. I like the character model of the protagonists, but none of the other models. I guess this game is just not for me.


Moss is a great VR game platformer. I love VR games that are not first person. For whatever reason VR studios feel like everything has to be first person, but third person games can be really cool in VR. It is like you are controlling a toy world. The story is pretty meh, but the way they introduce it with a story book is really fun. The actual platforming and game play is just ok. It is a very short game, but it is a nice experience.

This game has good graphics and a good game play system. IT IS BORING. It is the same climb a tower, unlock a map, fight camps, fight boss game reskinned. It doesnt do anything to make it unique or exciting. I got bored and never finished.

Great platformer that is completely forgettable. In fact I beat this game and then completely forgot I had even played it until I loaded it up and saw the save. I completed it though, which means I enjoyed it enough to finish.

I dont know what happened to this studio. The first 3 games in this series are some of the all time best. This game is trash. Studio became corporate, too big. Unable to make good story decisions.

Mass effect 1-3 is awesome. Story is amazing. This is the weakest one. Game play here is less action oriented. Graphics are the worst cause its older game. I started with 2 and came back to this. That is what I would recommend, otherwise I would have never completed any of them.

Very fun side scrolling stealth game. I enjoyed this one a lot and started a second play through, which is not normal for me.

Best mariokart to date. Who doesnt like mariokart. just a fun game.


Very cool atmospheric art style, but I could not get into the game play. I quit bored.

For VR games it was ok. It is cool to see a narative action game in VR. The graphics and atmosphere was spooky. It had its exciting and fun moments, but most of the time it was just bleh.

I understand why this is so loved. I just didnt like it. Most completely open worlds arent that fun to me, which is funny because I love MMORPGs. Zelda does the open world concept really well, but the more open a world it is, the harder it is to tell a really good story. This is one of the marvels of FFXIV. I completed this game, but I did not really enjoy the playthrough.

Great game. Very good cinematic story. Graphics are great, game play is pretty fun. The characters are really well written and interesting. They turned this into a TV show, which is also really well done.

Great mini game entry to explore VR for the first time. Several different, interesting mini games.

I played a little bit and felt bored. The quick reset on death can be tedious because you end up having to do perfect runs. You just keep resetting over and over until you happen to do a scene perfect. The graphics and story seem to be really cool. I will probably eventually try this again and update the review.

I tried again on a steam deck. Something about the portable and quick pick up an play really made this game more fun. I can play a board or two and then put it down. The game play gets better with practice. Still have to clear certain areas that are very long for a reset, but playing it from a steam deck in shorter bites makes it much more fun.

I still stand by this game being tedious. I think its because you have to be perfect in some sections, but the sections change slightly based off of timing. I love celeste, but that does not feel tedious like this.

After trying several more times to like this, I have given it up as a game that I really don't like. Cool concept, not fun to me.