I found out I dont like the run and hide type games. Well thats what this is.

I loved FFXIII the original. This one was boring and confusing. Could not get into it and will never try to get back into it. Disappointed.

Very boring. The VR was very beautiful for the time, but there are prettier games out now. The story wasnt interesting and the game play was almost none existent. Stupid vision puzzles.

Tried to like this because everyone does. Just doing a bunch of illegal things to make money or just be destructive is not interesting to me. This game is just about breaking the law with no redeemable reason to. A lot of people like this concept, but I just find it boring. The game play is fine, but I just dont care about any of the characters and find no reason to keep playing. I could never finish this one.

Very fun modern 2d side scroller. Awesome graphics, interesting gameplay. I enjoyed the whole thing.


Nothing but boss fights. The fights are very tough. I wasnt up for the challenge and got bored of dieing over and over.

The game play sucks. The worst of any FF game I have played. The graphics are awesome and the world looks really interesting, but if I dont like the combat then the game isnt really fun to play. I tried this twice. It is retired for good now.

Waist of time, boring, bland, blah blah.

I hate the atmosphere of this game and the big open world. It is skyrim in a different setting and worse mod support. The mod support is decent just not as robust as skyrim. Not my kind of game.

Played a long time ago and couldnt really get into it. I want to try it again to see if I will like it. I might start with 2 or 3 because they should have better gameplay.

Tried to like this, but just cant get into, especially when they have better modern games like DMC5.

The best MMORPG right now. Awesome story, combat, art, jobs, community. I love this game. Not playing right now because it sucks all other game time up. I want to explore other games.

Tried to play this. Bought it for the switch and sold it after 10 hours or so. Was never really fun to me. Kinda boring turn based combat. The story is more like 8 short stories so its hard to really care about any of them or really get into progressing. Games need to build on themselves to keep me interested. This game just does the same thing 8 times.

Played this in VR. Very atmospheric, but I could never really get into the game play. Just wandering around trying not to get killed by an unstoppable monster. Just really not fun for me.

Tried several times to get into this. Couldnt really get into it. Didnt care about it, wasnt that fun.