it really is just TF2 but a bit lamer in regards to gameplay and style. there's a reason final smashes are turned off in competitive smash.

the best memories of ToeJam & Earl that I have are walking around Skyrim while the TJ&E OST played on loop from a mod I downloaded

soley played this game to ride horses while listening to William Tell Overture

couldnt put this game down, the physics felt so ahead of their time

Fun, but I had to play single player because it was a timed exclusive :(

can't fight the controls, you gotta lean into the auto aim and play on the game's rules (i.e. you rarely have to look up or down -even when going up/down stairs the game looks up/down for you- so focus efforts more on horizontal aiming).

Fragrant Story should take notes from this game's spinner mechanics

Leave it to Ubisoft :/
Also why the hell didn't they use touch controls??? That is such an obvious way to translate the movement from the website to the ds...

The only part of this game I enjoyed was getting the nickname "white kid" and seeing the NPCs call me that

mitrotransactions be damned, decorating the home screen is too fun

super underrated, especially co-op

Probably my favorite on the NES...