Tears of the Kingdom, but good

surprised to say that dialogue with the homeroom teacher actually got my heart racing a little

amazing gameplay concept, but I have a feeling it will play better on the Gamecube (with analog controls and less screen crunch)

relies a bit too heavily on modding/community creations for its content (unfortunate reality)

kinda tricky to get running, but worth it. extremely replayable and even more charming. not sure how many creative liberties were taken with the translation, but I thoroughly enjoy the dialoge here. oh, and the character sprites are also on another level, really great stuff. don't want to go into too much detail because the game seems better enjoyed on a blind play-through, but if you enjoy this era of Square games, I highly reccomend checking this out. the game takes under an hour to beat, but becomes more rewarding the more times you play and the better you get at optomizing routes.

plays a little archaically, but has an amazing colletion of stories that come together to form a beautiful world. I would recommend taking your time with this one, maybe limit yourself to 1-2 chapters a day to give each chapter some time to sit with you.

it really is just TF2 but a bit lamer in regards to gameplay and style. there's a reason final smashes are turned off in competitive smash.

the best memories of ToeJam & Earl that I have are walking around Skyrim while the TJ&E OST played on loop from a mod I downloaded

soley played this game to ride horses while listening to William Tell Overture

couldnt put this game down, the physics felt so ahead of their time

Fun, but I had to play single player because it was a timed exclusive :(

can't fight the controls, you gotta lean into the auto aim and play on the game's rules (i.e. you rarely have to look up or down -even when going up/down stairs the game looks up/down for you- so focus efforts more on horizontal aiming).