NES Tetris will always be the best Tetris.

[Should I log Tetris every day?]

It would be such an evelynn opinion to claim this is the best Mario Kart, but it's not true, it's the worst one.

Great metroidvania with fun ideas and doesn't overstay its welcome (if you just roll the credits, that is...)

The greatest video game of all time.

Only played through the first two towns this time (will probably dive back in this summer) but still the funniest most heartwarming game around. All you have to do is survive the gameplay to enjoy the rest of it.

why do video games have plots? (generally a fun version of this kind of game!)

Paris > Italy (and I say this as someone who has avoided good thoughts about france her whole life)

The sense of pride I feel when my kid presses their finger on a hidden cat is immeasurable.

Come to my homemade town where "cozy" and "peaceful" are substitutes for "interesting."

It's crazy to me that this is what counts as a "good indie game" and not just because it's not an indie game, but because it's just the classic "throw so many systems at the player they're bound to like something" and I've never vibed with that structure. Though that's Stardew Valley which is beloved, so it shouldn't be surprising.

I love concept so much it almost let me disregard that the gameplay is boring (though not the parts you'd think) and the plot is a meandering mess.

Puzzle games so often struggle to remain interesting across their runtime and Humanity is no different. I probably would have liked it more if I stopped playing about 2/3rds of the way through.

Dredge promises so much intrigue in its opening hour and none of it really pays off.

Second playthrough: super fun game about movement, I love how depending on whatever power you've chosen the levels play out differently.

I liked it way more in 2015.