don't ever fucking do a game with the same structure ever again vanillaware.

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o, architect.
is this the world that you intended?

If the world holds our lives back, I will end it.

the fuck am i doing with my life.

>start with the girl
>see someone tits
>eat everything in the fridge
>beat the living shit out of frank
>run naked
>wake frank up
>beat the living shit out of frank again

endless bad level design but fun gameplay

edit: nvm chaos is fun

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Loved the puzzles, loved the idea, hated how bittersweet the story was at the end
What is the point of having a sentient cat like CAIT just to make it back for us to not go back at the end of the game? we broke the rules by bringing a fucking plant with us but the devs HAD to hit us with the sad moment. was it too hard to just let the cat come with us? too difficult huh.

sorry im just salty i hated to see the cat cry in front of me

I think of you
while waiting in the rain
Take me away as I am exhausted in the dark.

My ass finished this on stream, it was a very good experience even tho i didnt remember the game more difficult and the enemies being hp sponges?????


you see a bathtub
you smell blood
you faint