4 reviews liked by fabriciopz

Just a better version of the 2018 game. Which is impressive because that game was already my GOTY.

Simplesmente MASTERPEÇA

Faria um video facil pq nem sei como me expressar sobre o sentimento desse jogo maravilhoso só com poucas letrinhas aqui

Ever since it was released Inside managed to maintain its mystery wrapper without many details being shared with the public. The game where we all only know is that it tells the story of a child's journey into a giant laboratory with a scary secret project. Like Limbo, the atmosphere is very dark and invites more questions, which is the main selling point. There is a curiosity to find out what is really going on.

For those of you who have played Limbo in the past are likely familiar with how PlayDead "works". This developer is known for never offering an explicit plot, with the support of dialogue or various cinematic scenes, for example. They increasingly push you to find out what they want to convey through the animated characters, the reactions they see, and ultimately what story is actually happening. Still to this day I don't know what this game offers and its purpose. What I know is that you play the role of a small child who seems to be trapped in a complicated post-apocalyptic world situation. Despite your human form, for some reason, you are the target of a group of people who seem to be conducting a secret experiment for unclear purposes. The deeper you go into this body of research, the more questions arise. You encounter many things you would never have expected.

You don't even need to dive too deep to fall in love with Inside. Like the charm they managed to offer via Limbo, Playdead succeeded in building Inside as a platform game with an atmosphere and visual art that feels right, stunning, but also tense at the same time. Darkness dominates with clear contrasts of black, white and grey. However, the main strength is how they managed to communicate the storyline and tense feeling through visual and sound design, all without dialogue or cinematic cut-scenes like games in general. From a visual perspective, Inside is truly stunning. It builds a world that is gripping and pleasing to the eye at the same time through contrast, quality of lighting, color, and various animations. Even those of you who don't like how it is built as a game with open interpretation will easily fall in love with this aspect. And from the sound effect, the silence and some small sounds that you can hear in the distance make this layer even thicker. I personally recommend that you play this game with the best headset you have.

It's hard to give one clear label to describe what PlayDead has to offer in Inside. It can be called a fantastic survival horror platformer game with puzzle designs that are smart and charming at the same time. PlayDead still offers the same approach as Limbo, where you have to feel, guess and conclude for yourself what it actually wants to offer in terms of story. You will be met with a combination of visuals, motion animation, environmental details, and even audio design that seems to contain the pieces of information you need. All in search of definite answers to unlock the thick veil of mystery.