being a fan of late 90s - early 2000s konami is great because now you get to see all your favorite IPs be neglected and ruined by people that have no idea what made these series great.

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tiger drop vs ryuji goda = hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby

what alan wake 2 wishes it could be

walk around a planet for hours at 20 fps??? YES, SIR!!!! 15 MORE YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT, PLEASE!!!!!!

Tommy, I'm gonna need you to assassinate the President of the United States.


Yeah I'm a Fire Emblem baby, what about it? What's that? "Awakening and 3H aren't true FE games"? You want me to play your shitty little Super Famicom RPG? Sorry pal, can't hear you over this fire ass story and gameplay, you can keep your baby little pixel games.

Rhythm games are like ketamine to me

The magnum opus of video games that make you think "i guess im kinda having fun"