generic rhythm game but counterpoint the jam stage is insane if u have funny tracks like gangnam style or party rock cuz here they get remixed to hell there is not a video game that has achieved such greatness:


but it needs mobility like cars (steering wheel piece) or HELL horses, dude when the inflatable horse showed up in the c4s1 trailer I genuinely thought it was the lego horse like how could u forget to add it... (I think some vague lego collab rumors went around at this time but idk)

way too much potential, there needs to be a high speed batshit silly racing game like f zero or speed racer the videogame in the modern era of gaming but one of the only examples is stuck in a fortnite rocket league spinoff and its kinda not good????

- time-based boosts (so lame)
- drifting and jumping are pretty fun, but I think the camera should move alongside you when you drive onto a roof or wall
- most if not all my matches are filled with bots (some ppl are real but I know bots when im goated as hell and I see 7 cars that were far away suddenly go mach 5 speed and overtake me last lap)
- ranking up needs to scale to be a lot faster imo
- wish there were maps that werent a boring desert plains, like what about a big complex grand prix stadium with colors flying left and right imagine that
- UP TO 4000 VBUCK COSMETIC CARS, cmon dawg even if its between fn and rocket league that shit still isnt worth the price

much like the movie, if they made this today it would probably be hailed as one of the greatest video games ever made

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(finally played solstice)

I was not prepared for a happy ending, that's all ill say, but man I love this game so much and solstice really added to the experience, not sure if I have the guts to go through this again on my pc save

heartwarming: most horseshit game youve played has a fantastic port or whatever you call this

wasnt really my jam but ZAMN

its fine, logically this (or puyo puyo lol) was probably the next step to go after tetris, It just didnt click with me personally, tho it really sucks they're shutting this down

played like a few rounds of this when it released then never touched it again. Its funny as an anniversary game as intended, but out of the nintendo br games its the most boring. It's just playing the same classic levels with more enemies as its competitivity, it doesn't have the sticking power as a tetris game over and over or high speed racing with a shitload of players spawning a carnage of chaos.

super silly game that is very awesome
everything about this is soooo good, barely hitting the ball at 9999 speed is the biggest piece of serotonin you could ever get

Online is dead unfortunately (guess thats expected for a pretty out of the left field concept of a game with a middling price tag) but the singleplayer content is more than enough to keep ya going anyways
$6 for one outfit for a single character is ridiculous (all 'outfits' total to around $90 here) idc how much they cooked up in there, even if they are special compare it to getting any skin in the game, it only takes maybe under an hour to rack up the currency for one out of many free skins, I support team reptile for their silly games no matter what but thats egregious

A bit better than my initial thoughts, still kinda hate how long the story mode drags out for what the levels are worth, and the heat system can get real annoying after a while. I also wish some of the presentation of this game, primarily some of the music was more 'loud' to fit the JSR aesthetic better. really Wish there was more costumes sometimes (dot exe enjoyers coping) but idc

stuff i liked tho...

The movement is so smooth, even if the combos or amount of tricks aren't as fleshed out as possible I feel like I could be at this for hours without a sweat.
The dream levels, just some insane work put into the design of it all. Probably the only content I was looking forward too throughout the story.
and of course the aesthetic and music of this game are awesome everyone is talkin about that so rlly need I say more

I think this is still absolutely worth picking up despite some huge flaws, i do not wanna sound like the dumb meme but the real fun shows when u escape story mode (my hypothesis stands corrected)

gardenscapes dlc would make this worth the 15 dollars