This game is… fine! There’s just as much good as there is bad overall. The dungeons are all bland and repeats of the same design. Particularly the Soul Matrix. Same with the music. And particularly in the early game when you don’t have as many combat options, it can feel like a slog. But as your abilities expand, the combat finally starts to click and feel rewarding. The plot never takes long enough with each point to carry weight, but the overall story is decent. The characters also become quite easy to invest in as you spend time together.
Overall, if you’re interested in any game in the Shin Megami Tensei universe, you can get much better gameplay from mainline SMT, and much better story from Persona. Not much reason to play this game unless the playstyle is really your jam. No regrets playing this game, but I had no hesitation deleting this immediately after completion lol

What an experience. This game was probably the greatest visual and audial experience I’ve ever had in a video game. Trippy, jolting, and impressive effects hit throughout. This game is a technical masterpiece. Similarly, the story is fantastic. The story simultaneously resets and picks right up from the first game in a way that has you itching to figure out what’s really going on. And finally putting pieces together is a very satisfying experience.
As for the core gameplay, it’s a satisfying third person shooter. The flashlight portion still offers cvariety, but to a lesser extent. I would’ve liked to see more creativity with it like in the AW1 DLC. And the side puzzles for loot and charms were sometimes fun riddles, and other times fairly tedious scavenger hunts. The overall difficulty level is spot on like other Remedy titles. Hard enough that you don’t just waltz through everything first try, but not so hard that you’re banging your head over the same encounter for hours.
If you rated it lower for gameplay that doesn’t inspire, I’d understand. But to me this is a game that seeks to push the boundaries of the medium and fascinate you and terrify you at every turn, and it delivers that focus as well as you could possibly ask.

Like the previous two titles, this game is highlighted by simple yet fun combat and joyful traversal through the city, and the addition of web wings and abilities makes each of those even better. There's enough variety between the main story and side content that the game never got dull, and I ended up binging the game (a rarity for me). The overall story is good-not-great and hits the same note too many times, but it was effective and even delivered some surprises by diverting from some expectations for classic Spider-Man storylines. The side missions range from dull time-sinks to compelling and, in one particular instance, shockingly emotionally powerful. Also, special shoutout to the integration of Hailey and having more depth and care than just a token deaf character.
Highly recommend. Another example of why Insomniac is one of the most consistent and greatest developers.

This is just a fun game! The combat is good, the side stories are funny and charming, and the main story feels like a crime soap opera but is still effective. Like many others have said, there’s a couple frustrating difficulty spikes and hiccups in mechanics, but they’re mostly forgivable for the studio’s first foray into RPG. I could nitpick this into a lower score, but honestly it was just too enjoyable and the pros definitely outweighed the cons.

I've had this game for free for the past 3 years, but finally got around to trying it, my first RE game, and man was I impressed! I don't have much experience in the Survival Horror genre, so I don't have much to compare this to, but it's very hard to find a single fault in this game. The ambience is fantastic at making you feel constantly on edge if not in full-on panic. Puzzles and combat are crisp, and the story is compelling though nothing revolutionary. Only thing keeping it from 5/5 is the lack of an X factor that will keep me thinking about this game in the future. But otherwise, the pros list is a mile long in comparison to any cons.

Twitter warned me this would suck. But hey, it’s free and only two hours. Maybe it can at least provide some comedy? Well at least I saw “SWAG” spray painted on a few walls. The “social media is harmful and suicide is BAD” message is shoved down your throat without any nuance or original take. The gameplay is mind numbing. One segment particularly needs way more explanation than given. Several segments are “walk around a room until you see a transparent icon to interact with one of several identical objects.” Only positives were some cool visual effects and some nice atmospheric moments. But those are blips on a shitty radar that is mercifully short.

A cute and clever puzzle game, to put it briefly. The core mechanic of perspective based puzzles is fun and there’s a lot of room to play with it. Though from time to time the struggle wasn’t using the mechanic smartly, it was finding some aspect of the environment I had missed. The art style is fantastic. The story is simple and has some sudden jumps, but it works.
Also Bryce Dallas Howard is here???

First off, not a fan of the combat. Very melee focused, and the melee offers next to no variety. 80% of enemies can most effectively be defeated with the same dodge-dodge-whack-whack-shoot combo. And for that shooting, there's very few guns including two shotguns and two pistols that have only minor differences? Story is fine, definitely trying hard to be a movie (see two Hollywood actors that do the roles well but nothing special). Lots of Gore P*rn if you're into that (there's even DLC that sells itself on including more gruesome ways to die). Overall though the visuals and sound are top notch.
With all the connections to Dead Space, I just kept thinking how Dead Space does everything in this game better. It made me want to get the new remake and palette cleanse lol

Nice story that ties Bioshock Infinite back to the original duology in a clever and surprising way. Episode 1 feels like it ends right as you get rolling, but 2 feels much more substantial, even if some of the segments feel drawn out. Stealth gameplay is a nice change of pace, but a little lacking.

A fascinating story that I'm sure was even cooler upon original release. The flashlight/shooting combo of gameplay was also engaging and unique and made for a good level of difficulty. Had to retry segments several times and mix up strategy, but never felt overbearing. Dialogue is comically choppy at time, and there's a few jumps in story that feel like they should've been fleshed out better, but the overall product still held. Also be sure to check out the additional episodes that were originally DLC. What they lack in story they more than make up for in some really fun and creative gameplay.

A refreshing take on the series with a much stronger focus on collection and “research.” I would’ve liked more battling, and the story is paper-thin (as usual for Pokemon). But the catching system is addictive and satisfying. Would love to see another Legends game fleshed out further.