The main 8 stages are generally good but hitboxes are bad like the entire game and the slowdown is unbearable, play on the legacy collection to fix that I beg of you
Doc robot stages SUCKKKKKKKK SO MUCH
You can really tell they rushed this one (eghehehehe get it they introduced rush in this one but they also rushed the development) Better than 2 though yeah I said it

Hot take I don't actually like mega man 2 very much yeah it defined the series but okay cool it's kindaaaaaaaa mediocre aside from that
The music rocks though

It's the first one it's kinda shitty but I like it sort of

Weird feelings on this one. This game was like the primary thing I wanted to play on switch because I loved Splatoon 1 and the trailers made it look so good and yeah as a kid I loved the hell out of this game but looking back on it there are some weird things about it.

First of all, the maps kind of suck overall? Like yeah there's probably more good ones in this compared to 3 right now but wow I do not like the stage design here very much. I haven't played it in a while but it always felt like the levels had weird layouts that were interesting but not much fun, like Albacore is a very interesting stage design wise but when you actually play it that map is terrible. There are some peak maps though The Reef is one of the best ever and I desperately want it back.

Another thing is the weapon kits. A lot of them are just bad. Like why was splashdown given to so many weapons that don't fit it for example. Also why was splashdown in general that special sucks ass. Also like 20 arbitrary weapons didn't get a third kit in this game which is even more disappointing now since looking at 3's update cycle third kits in general don't seem that likely in my eyes.

Now onto the worst part for real, the fucking special weapons. Okay so 1's special weapons were fun but like horribly balanced right so in 2 they shifted it so that the specials were more team coordination based but less individually powerful, sounds good right? WRONG. This just made the special design of the game insanely obnoxious with the unholy trinity of Ink Armour/Tenta Missiles/Sting Ray being the primary reason I never want to play this game again.

Onto positivity though this game does do a lot of things right. Pretty much all the new weapons are fun and octo expansion is a fantastic single player campaign (we don't talk about the base game's campaign okay). I love Pearl and Marina they're awesome and the music is great and most importantly the game is generally fun but I feel due to all the negatives in the future this game will be seen as the black sheep of the franchise.

yeah this kinda sucks the actual gameplay is fun but THATS IT and the singleplayer is uninteresting

Great game but weird choices were made when porting it like making one player always have to be an easy mode character and everything about this game is just sort of sterile and uninspired even if the level design is great

um I can't make out the rest I don't know japanese but this game rocks

Great game but I lost all motivation to keep playing after reaching the final point of the game which makes sense but idk mixed feelings

Peak maybe idk I kind of suck at it but I also love it

Really good but I am too stupid sorry

Very fun game this was like my favourite when I was a kid

it's a chat program where you can be like some funny character or a furry with a super high quality model but I don't have a vr headset so it's just like a chat program to me

I can like zone out while playing this game and that's cool but my experience was hampered by the first map I played multiplayer (and in general) being an absolute nightmare to deal with

Fun with friends but there's actually not that much going on and I fucking hate playing imposter I'm so bad at it I way prefer seeing how shit goes down than being the one that makes shit go down