God I wish I played this game at its prime it's so good but it's like barely playable now especially since I live in a place where every server has like 300 ping

This game got me into fighting games which rocks and it's still the one I probably have the most fun with, but it does feel a bit shallow even at my low skill level

I have complicated feelings about this game, I put a fair bit of hours into it when I first got my PC but according to steam have also not touched it for almost an entire year
Yeah the game massively improved from its launch state but honestly the game at its core is just sort of boring to me. I never have too much motivation to continue playing now since it feels like they just keep adding more and more on a boring core instead of making that core more interesting, though as I said I haven't played this in a year so idk what's changed now. Yeah I get it's a game where you have to make your own fun but idk I don't find it that fun anymore.
Crashing an economy by selling cobalt and getting a weird glowy flesh ship was fun though.

That's all there really is to say about it

Best co-op shooter? May be the case <- has barely played any co-op shooters

Kinda shitty dlc sorry glad repentance exists now

The transgender community has forgiven Afterbirth+, for it has been superseded by peak

Real good game but I suck ass at combos and can't consistently drive rush that input doesn't work in my brain for some reason

The gameplay and everything like that is actually pretty great but fuck everything else is like ugh

Eh it's good but not my kinda game sorry. The playstyle the game encourages is honestly not very fun to me and I think I like 2016 more because of it but the actual quality of the game is amazing which makes ranking it hard

I have 137 hours in this game and haven't completed the community centre

I gave this game an honest chance but it was kind of really fucking boring sorry

Would be peak if it had smash run

I love the gameplay of this game so much