shion baby we gotta get you a new cut

from some angles its the prettiest thing youve ever seen and from every other angle its like nauseatingly ugly


i know this is somehow both basic and unpopular but i actually really like zeus in this g- oh hang on someones at my door (suddenly pregnant)

the game is really janky and stutters very frequently and theres really bad input delay and theres also some racism in there (for flavor of course) but listen. this review isnt about that. thats just there so you know im not reviewbombing. im coming here with a warning.

this game turns you insane. normal people dont play this game. its so much worse than even shit like League of Legends. three of my closest friends downloaded this game and suddenly, over the course of about 2 weeks, turned insanely toxic. in a chronically online way. one of them started complaining about how their friend invited them to go out because ranked matches were up. another friend starting faking DID. another started getting into kin discourse. theres so much more i could talk about but im not about to spill their personal details on Backloggd Dot Cum. but just take my word for it when i say they turned into actual cesspool sewage people. dont play this game. dont let your friends play this game. this shit makes me feel like a catholic looking at gay porn; i see only evil and darkness here.

shouldnt this be on letterboxd instead hahahahahaha get it because the cutscneme,s

yeah yeah we all wanna fuck the cat and the wolf but can yall start talking about laika now ‼️


brain damage pussy got me acting delirious

(gets so nervous when its my turn to record that i start crying)

naked snake is so hot its unreal

malevelon creek was an inside job

you better play this shit right before jennas route or i WILL get you

i just reread it so i gotta meatride it again. gonna do my best to keep this spoiler free but i might get a lil carried away and allude to some plot elements or something.

this shit is superior to everything howly has worked on in almost every way to the point that it's shocking. paintfox did a brilliant job with the art and character designs, and really brought all the characters to life, his art perfectly compliments the story. COMPLETELY fixes the issue echo had of inconsistent and oftentimes poor visual quality.

as for the writing itself? im convinced howly was born to write this story. i completely understand why he called this his "most important story" on the echo project patreon- it is, hands down. theres so much to take away from this, it's like the gift that keeps on giving. the characters, while few, are fucking spectacular, everyone is written with so much depth and so much care. i could go on (cam's character arc, the narrative symbol of an ARCH????? A HALF CIRCLE???????? IM GONNA GO CRAZY!!!!!!!!!) but i gotta shut myself up before i stay up for 72 hours gushing about this vn

anyone who says this is echo 2 or its doing the same thing as echo again is dumb as hell btw