Massive downgrade from the original. Gameplay is super simplified and a lot less engaging. Music is absolutely incredible though, and the story is pretty decent too. Not bad by any means, but it loses the depth that made the original Riders so special.

I think when the transportation engineers of the US go to work, they just boot up this game and whatever happens gets built in real life.

Cool game, but I wish there was more. Honestly a bit underwhelming in terms of gameplay, atmosphere, and story (and I usually don't care about story in games). Movement is super cool though, but I wanted some extra challenge. It feels like a good proof of concept for a much bigger idea, but what's here is very fun especially considering the price.

Yeah this is really dang good. Tons of variety in the levels, story is super weird (in a good way), characters are silly, music goes crazy. This rules.

Nearly as good as Sonic Rush. The wisps are implemented smoothly and are a fun way to mix up the gameplay. The new stomp makes me :D but the removal of tricks makes me D:
Final boss is a dope concept. Overall probably better than the Wii version.

Awesome concept and really fun, but the difficulty curve is all over the place. Cool thingy.

A lot of levels and bosses are total BS but I a few levels are pretty good. Not bad. Fun controls.

Most of these tracks frickin blow. At least it got me playing Mario Kart again, but dang this was pretty disappointing considering what we got.

This was the first video game I ever beat. Can't give it a proper review since I haven't played it since I was a doodoo dumdum kid, but I am very nostalgic for it. I guess it's decent as a "baby's first beat 'em up" type thing

Hidden gem. Didn't even know this game existed for so long, but it is incredible. It has the simplicity of the original NES game but it is polished for modern players. The perfect amount of challenge, and tons of charm in the characters. In desperate need of a port.

One of the best party games I have ever played. Truly anyone can play this one and I have had hours of fun playing with my family. Lots of good memories were made with this. On par with Wii Sports Resort, but maybe even better in some ways since each mini game is so unique and creative.