I will never get sick of this game. It is so funny, fun, challenging, and all around perfect.

This game s the average day in Britain.

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There are no spoilers. Play this game.

Probably THE single greatest platformer ever made. Bar none

"That's a nice argument, Senator. Why don't you back it up with a source?"
"Of course, Raiden. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance is just an overall fun game. With fantastic combat, amazing bosses, and an absolutely bonkers story that keeps the player hooked the whole way through. There may be a few slow parts, but it's overall really fun."

Should've added Walter White.


I mean, it's cute. But there really isn't anything more to it.

It's 5 stars and it isn't even done yet.

Maybe it's nostalgia, but this is probably one of the greatest games ever on a pure fun level.