like dark souls 1 minus the good parts.

Brings a lot of interesting ideas to the interactive story genre combining puzzles and dialogue options with RPG elements and multiple solutions based on playstyle. But it's hard to care about the story given that every character is a complete asshole.

I don't like to abandon stuff without giving it a fair chance, but, having played this game for only 4-5 hours, I feel I couldn't bear to sit through and play this game.

There's really nothing much to be enjoyed here. The combat is stiff and repetitive, the main character is honestly high on the rank of the most boring and uncharismatic video-game protagonists, and there's a sense of buginess throughout the whole experience.

I can excuse a game from being kinda wonky and weird, but it has to offer something interesting in return, and i couldn't find much in this game.

the number of emerging stories that are created because of the incredible strategical depth and interacting systems makes every playthrough feel unique and entertaining.

the type of game that you sit down to play and 6 hours just fly through without you realizing.


Supergiant Games delivers again a fantastic game with the studio's signature qualities: unparalleled art style, incredible soundtrack, amazing and unforgettable characters, great storytelling, lore and voice acting, and all of that without forgetting that it is a video game for a second.

Though it is probably my least favorite story from the studio so far (but it still great), it kept me surprised throughout the whole game introducing new mechanics without being overwhelming. I could write pages about how entertaining is the gameplay and how much fun it is to get lost in all the mechanical details of this game, such as the build + weapon combos, but I think the best way to learn about these is just experiencing it.

I believe it takes an insane amount of knowledge about game-design to create a rogue-like that simply does not get frustrating, ever. That's what they've accomplished.

Black Ops is a game I thought I loved. It was the first game I've played on PS3 after some years away from gaming in general, so I remember it very fondly.

Recently, I've decided to revisit some of the PS3 catalogue, so I played the campaign on Veteran difficulty...

Technically, Black Ops SHOULD be a good game. The shooting feels good, the visuals are compelling and it includes some really good action set pieces. However, the gameplay is seriously lacking in terms of freedom of gameplay and variety of viable strategies. Even simple stuff like flanking, which should be a staple in FPS games, don't work very well. On regular difficulty, it's a cakewalk, requiring no strategy at all. On veteran, the ONLY viable strategy is to hide behind cover and slug throughout the game. Because of the "need" to portray "realism", the game color palette is full of browns and greys. In some missions, is IMPOSSIBLE to distinguish enemies from the background, which makes it really infuriating dying to some enemy you can't see. S.O.G. on Veteran is probably the worst FPS mission I have ever played.

After playing some incredible FPS games over the years, like Wolfenstein: The New Order and The New Colossus, DOOM and Titanfall 2, and even some reeeeaally old stuff like Red Faction (2001), I can now recognize that, despite not being BAD, this game lacks the mechanical/artistic depth I enjoyed in those games.

The Zombies mode is still incredible though, so I'm bumping it an additional 1 star.

one of the most underrated games of all time.

i miss you

At its best, Cyberpunk 2077 it's a competent shooter with some excellent stories sprinkled over it. At its worst, it's a bad open-world RPG with mechanics that don't work.

gameplay-wise: it's probably the best football sim, no questions

why the 1 star rating then? Because all game modes for this game are completely lackluster. The career mode, both as a trainer and as a player have a lot of mechanics but are really shallow in terms of presentation and variety. Seasons are just individual matches and Ultimate Team is a scam.

The core gameplay is pretty solid: the gunplay and movement set flows pretty well and it has an exciting variety of guns with different effects and playstyles.

However, the game is structured to be veeeery repetitive. It's a run-based game but you don't have enough options to make runs feel different, so it feels like you're playing the same thing over and over again. The bosses are awfully balanced for single-player mode, both competitive and co-op multiplayer are very tiresome, the game's """"""""""""""humor""""""""""""" is agressively cringy and the soundtrack is horrendously dated, filled with 2010 bargain Skrillex garbage.

this game is pretty disappointing overall. The main aspect that got me excited was the "new original story" created for it, but then it turns out 80% of the game is playing through the series' old story arcs.

the whole quest design feels hell-bent on wasting the player's time. There is a lot of going back and forth to talk to get items and talking to NPCs which makes the pacing veeeeeeeeeeery slow. The worst offender of this is the first couple of chapters. As the game goes on, the chapters begin to feel rushed, but ironically this actually makes the game pacing better.

gameplay-wise it is pretty fun, the turn-based battle system and leveling up and tuning character builds with accessories mechanics are pretty good.

if it was not for the INCREDIBLE charisma of the One Piece characters, this game would be unbearable. But it is still very bad though.

Loved the illustration style and whole aesthetic overall, the kinda surrealistic and over-the-top comical storytelling is pretty interesting but the roller derby gameplay is just plain awful. It would be so much better if it was completely focused on the point-and-click puzzles/decision-making aspects, but the """actual gameplay""" is by far the worst thing in here.


kinda bad at execution but extremely interesting