Out of all of the Frictional Games I've played so far (that being the Penumbra games, SOMA and I know it's not a Frictional game but Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs, I count it as it's an amnesia game) I enjoyed this one the most. I liked the plot, the multiple endings, the general Lovecraftian atmosphere, replayability with mods and the Justine DLC (which I haven't played yet) and all of that. It's a fun game. The puzzles can get confusing sometimes and I needed to look up a walkthrough to get that Agrippa Ending but other than that? I have no problem with it. I liked it a lot and I would most definitely recommend. Just do me, and this game, a solid: don't go into it thinking it'll be just like a Let's Play sorta thing. This game isn't that scary where people overreact and scream on camera over the slightest thing moving. I think the letsplay thing kinda gave this game a weird reputation. I mean I'm glad they did it cause it gave this game more attention, but I say just go in because it's good. Or go in because of whatever you want I'm sorry. Game is good, play it. I don't know what else to tell you.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

Choo-Choo Charles is a game by Two Star Games about a person who's hired to come over to an island to murder a killer spider train named Charles who's been terrorizing the populace after a mine owner/greedy capitalist Warren Charles III (hinting at something maybe? Who knows) accidentally (or maybe on purpose) digs up monster eggs which woke up an ancient evil. You're job is to kill the monster by any means necessary, mostly involving a moving train and a machine gun/any weapons you pick up. You go around completing quests that involves stealing three eggs, finding a hidden stash of pickles, finding 8 Pages hidden in a forest (yes a Slender reference), and others I won't bother to reveal, all while collecting scrap and upgrading your train to match up with Charles himself.

That's it for the story for the most part, you can mostly find other pieces of the story by picking up notes hidden around the island which tells of cult worship, Warren's expeditions, and the obsession of the local Pickle lady. As mentioned before, you can complete quests and get scrap and new weapons, as well as collect scrap all around of which there's enough to find before you finish the game. You can also collect paint cans to customize your murder train. And basically that's the loop, drive around in a train, complete missions, and etc.

Honestly overall, I like it as a game. It's on the short side (excellent), it's a novel concept with a funny premise, and there's enough lore to make it somewhat interesting. You can tell that this was an indie team of one or two people and for what they had they made some unique and interesting. The sound design was creepy, and graphically it looks good. Like I don't honestly have many negative things to say other than the stealth isn't really that good. In certain areas around the island a cult led by Warren himself have stationed themselves and to me it turned into "Get their attention, run to the train and shoot them, then run back and pray to god". Other than that, I can't think of anything else that's really bad for the life of me. It can also certainly be scary as hell (though kind of frustrating) when you're a bit far from your train and that motherfucker flies in out of nowhere and stomps your booty hole in. Another complaint I guess I can throw out is the price, 20 dollars isn't bad but I'd say wait and get this on sale, especially considering sometimes it feels barebones.

Unique concept
Interesting, albeit not too much lore
Killer Train bonding
Sound Design/Graphical Presentation is good
Short Side

Stealth Sucks
A bit high for the price

To finish it off, yes it's a small indie game and can it feel somewhat empty sometimes? Yes it can. But I like what they have here, and I know they can expand it to make it even better in the future, but for what we got now? It's pretty good and I enjoyed my time. Shout out to my G Wrathne for getting me the game. If you want to check out the development cycle behind this game, I'd suggest looking up Two Star Games on Youtube:


From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

This review contains spoilers

As the sequel, or basically continuation of the first game I'm going to be legit with you here this review will be a bit shorter. The combat and puzzles are way better, the story is pretty damn tight, and overall I enjoyed the game. I felt it was more of the same but just way better and no stupid combat physics thing which hey hey I'm ok with. My main thing I guess I could have a problem. I still stick by my opinion that this should've just been one game and that's it but for what it's worth I liked it. I'm going to be trying out Requiem here next but I heard thats not good so I don't know. Out of all of the games being remade now I wouldn't mind seeing a remake or a mod that just combines all the games into one. Also fu ck Clarence, I hope he gets shot by a firing squad, hit by a bunch of cars, pi ssed on, beaten up, and strapped down in a chair while being covered in flesh eating fire ants. I hate him, and you'll understand why when you play this. I get that the whole point is to hate him, but I'll be legit him and his comments kind of distracted from the atmosphere I felt I was supposed to be having. But regardless of my personal vendetta against Clarence yeah, this game is good. I like, I will recommend.

Plot is still interesting
I like the ending
Puzzles are also still interesting

There's a sort of zombie creature, they're cool but they weren't really "scary"
Clarence can eat a fat one

It was good, I still needed help from friends but I still enjoyed it a good bit. I forgot to mention in the last review that it's like 9.99 for the game, so I'd just say like wait for a deal to get all of them. But I would recommend getting them for sure and I think a lot of things really shine through and you can tell the potential for the Amnesia series and what came about. I think it would be interesting if they came out with a Penumbra 2 as well. I guess I'll just leave it like that I don't know what else to say.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

Took like 16 minutes less time than my playthrough of Black Plague and it's way less interesting to be honest. The entire thing is a puzzle game, which is ok but it's not an INTERESTING puzzle game; it doesn't add anything to the story or lore. This game, or DLC is basically a time killer and what feels to be a fan made puzzle mod, and whatever other people say about the game negatively is probably correct. I don't hate it but it doesn't really need to exist. If it was released as a mod it would've been fine but it wasn't though you get it for free in the Black Plague bundle deal so it's not a total waste. I'm going to be legit if this DLC adds something to the Penumbra lore feel free to tell me here I'm going to keep the comments here.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

Uhhhh this is a uh.....it's a different mod. I'm calling it a mod because it was originally supposed to be a mod until it was made a game. I'm just so indifferent that I'll just give it brief thing I guess.

I liked the idea of the story
Setting is cool
It's a short game if you wanted to just have a small game to play for a day
Soundtrack is WAY better than this game deserves
Enemy design is cool I guess

Stealth Segments suck
Depending on who you are it's short as hell, like 4-5 hours IF you take your slow a ss time

I don't know, I'm rather indifferent to this mod, it's not particularly bad and I'm trying to stay positive here but this isn't my style of game for me. I'm not into the Dear Esther type thing. I'd say if it's cheap and you're bored one day give it a go. But you could get WAY more satisfaction on everything by just watching a playthrough or going to the Amnesia Wiki.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

This review contains spoilers

It's a long one, gonna start at plot now:

The plot starts off with you playing as a scientist named Igor, who gets a picture of his missing wife Tatyana, whom disappeared thirty years ago, right before the Chernobyl Incident. Being haunted in his dreams, he goes back to hunt down any leads and figure out what happened to his wife; sneaking into the power plant where him and his wife used to work, s h i t goes to hell resulting in one of his mercenaries that he hired being murdered by a being known as The Black Stalker, him stealing a crystal to create a portal gun, and green s h i t flying. With everything going to hell, Igor decides that he needs to figure out a plan, gain allies, build up his base and find the answers leading to what happened.

To finalize the plot, I wanna discuss the remaining parts that hit me and a part that kind of lost me a bit. You do your final heist, you learn that one of your men is a spy, and then you finally learn that The Black Stalker isn't Boris (a friend who you learn turned himself into The Black Stalker after betraying your wife to the local soviet shadow government after she rejected his advances), it's actually the REAL Igor. You are a clone created during the experiments, given a sweater and dropped off somewhere where you eventually come back after your big bad guy Semonov manipulates events to get you to come back. It also turns out that your wife that's talking to you in hallucinations the whole time has been The Chernobylite itself, which is some cosmic being inside the material, with the portals and wormholes and whatever the hell being the veins. The comparisons to a cosmic turtle really brought to mind memories of Stephen King's It, with the "Good" presence being a cosmic turtle. It's a strange thing, but I really like that idea that you're being manipulated by this cosmic mineral being. The thing I don't particularly care about is the clone thing, cause I feel like that's kind of a cop out and an awful plot twist, I would've preferred if they had just made it an alternate universe Igor who messed up and was the bad guy, or they had just stuck with Boris though I think the alternate universe Igor killed Boris and took his identity? I'm unsure, that whole thing was confusing personally to me and was the one thing about the ending I didn't care for. Other than that, I like the plot twists and turns, how your choices affect the outcome, and some of the sci-fi explanations for stuff as well as the character's personal investment in it. It's not some mind blowing huge scale RPG but it's stuff that I enjoy.

I'll say with the plot that personally I love it, and even though the whole "Alternate Dimensions" thing has been used to death in every form of media these past many years, I thought it's effects on the gameplay were actually really cool. In a cool blending of story/gameplay, you have an option in the early part to burn some documents or save them. If you save them, you get another clue that's closer to finding your wife, however that leads to consequences down the line where it ends up triggering traps that kills a bunch of soldiers but leads you into an ambush where you get thrown out of the building in an explosion and captured. I don't want to go any further in the choices but that to me felt cool, and I didn't expect it coming like that, however you can change outcomes if you have enough Chernobylite too. Go into a radioactive zone and die (at the cost of losing inventory items) or if you have enough supplies to build a radioactive machine, you can kill yourself in the machine and use some Chernobylite to change certain scenes to build up a rapport with your allies or switch around certain fates if you're looking to get other clues. Every decision has an effect on the game in some way and I like it like that.

This segways perfectly into game play for me; don't go into this expecting some giant STALKER or Fallout RPG. Even though it's basically Stalkout 4, it's also not. Chernobyl is split into a couple different sections, each one where you can choose to do main quests or side stuff like gathering supplies or hunting monsters. You'll be seeing these A LOT in your time, and can change day by day depending on your actions or inaction. It's recommended you build as much anti radiation and anti monster machines as possible or you'll be pee pee smacked with numerous radioactive clouds or The Black Stalker themselves going out of their way to kill you if you don't build the machine to halt the cosmic storm though you could complete your mission easily before this stuff happens.

The gunplay is simple, you can pick up and use certain weapons (though you can't loot them off soldiers most of the time because of "Biometric Locks", which blows wads faster than my boyfriend does but I digress) as well as create your own (which are the standard affair of Revolver, Makarov, AK, Shotgun, Railgun, and Crossbow I believe). Each serve their own purpose and can be used effectively defending on your situation. However using these weapons should be used only in certain times cause if you start shooting soldiers for fun, it'll tank your "Psyche". You have the usual health meter as well to worry about, as well as avoiding radiation (which is actually kind of easy to me in this game) which can affect your health meter if it gets filled up too high. There's also certain environments where if you have lock picks or anti-chernobylite flares can open up new areas for clues for your wife's death or loot; as well as strange encounters in the environment with hallucinations or attempted executions, the usual affair. Luckily these are marked on your map with a big question mark.

You can choose to send your allies on the loot missions and you effectively have to balance their "I like you cause you chose what I want" meter, with their hunger meter at the end of the day with rationing out supplies. Also, another Fallout 4 mechanic is building your own base, which mostly leads to building structures like beds, VR headsets (which you can use to alter one of your companions feelings towards you once for each companion per play through in case your struggling keeping up with everything), radio stations, weapon workshops, air filtration units, etc. These companions will also train you with the XP you earn, with these training sessions actually being shown to you in real time (like for Mikhael, running out and looting as much mushrooms and roots as you can in a minute).

The sound design and the art design are fantastic, and the whole green hue fits perfectly with the whole STALKER sci-fi thing they have going. The soundtrack is also good, not too many tracks that standout but it works.

Now for flaws, as it's not perfect. There are moments of genius, but also moments where the game just has a stroke and decides to not to work. There's been times where I've been caught on certain things in the environment but nothing is as painful as the constant crashing and my favorite: the portal gun disappearing. Yes, remember that portal gun I mentioned earlier? The only way you exit an environment is by using this and by god, if you have a mechanic where the only way you can leave is to use this, make sure it works. There's been numerous times where I'd have to exit the game, then reload, only for it to be a hit or miss chance at it coming back. If you want my advice on it, if you ever get stuck, what I did was run way across the map to hit another save checkpoint, quit the game and then come back to it. If it doesn't work keep trying or you might alternatively have to restart the mission which sucks and I had to do that once or twice. Now I heard the dev patched it, so I have no clue why I had it going. Maybe my save was from before the patch? I don't know.

tl;dr: STALKER meets Fallout 4, most of it is small scale genius with a lot of bugs. Get on sale, it's a good one and I wish I could say more here but character limits.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

The game to me was a positive experience, very positive in fact. I loved the faction wars, I liked the story to a degree, the prequel aspect I personally thought was very good. However, and this is a BIG however, it didn't really grasp me in like Shadow of Chernobyl did when I first played it. Shadow by all my was a legendary game and better than this game in every single way possible. Does that mean that this game isn't worth a go at all? No I think it's definitely worth a go.

Faction Wars was cool
It's a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game so there's a lot of familiarity
Excellent atmosphere and environments, see the before and after compared to the original game
Soundtrack is tight

It's been done better in the original game
Not as addictive as the other games
Story was ok, it basically revolves around chasing Strelok that's about it

All in all I can't say anything bad other than personal preferences, it's a tight game and if you're a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Fan it's worth a go, I can't do it justice here.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

I enjoyed it for the most part, but me sucking at puzzles like I do I couldn't get the fuckin morse code puzzle for the life of me. It felt like I was getting a stroke in seventeen different places at the same time. But I also just sucks at puzzles. The story was interesting enough, the ending was a cliffhanger that was kinda....meh. But I'm interested enough to continue the rest of the franchise. That also being said I wasn't really into the physics combat and I understand why they dropped it for later games and Penumbra. In fact most of the time I just ran for my life by looking at maps quick and then memorizing routes. Overall I can't complain, it's a short game, I had fun and got help from friends. I can't really say too much that's bad.

Plot is interesting
Red is pretty cool
Physics puzzles are interesting even though I suck

Physics combat is ass
Cliffhanger ending, Overture and Black Plague should've just been one game but I understand why it wasn't

Overall it was good but either prepare to get a walkthrough to know what you're doing or prepare for a learning curve. Also it's a short game, so whether or not that's a pro or con is up to you.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

WOW, this game was a trip from when I first played it years ago. Playing through it ALL for the first time recently felt pretty good. Overall the game was good but it also kinda runs like shit when you first play it, you have to literally fix the game yourself so it doesn't crash. Even after I patched it I had 3 problems that I remember: crash every once in a while randomly, every time I'd have a wake up animation my screen would have a fit and look like it's having a seizure and a crash if I attempted to use a healing item from an enemy corpse FROM the loot body inventory screen.

Technical aspects aside, I loved the story, the twists, the fight or flight gameplay. I don't remember If Clear Sky was longer because I did more side quests or just in general but this game felt a bit shorter. However that also was prolly cause I played MOSTLY the story, with a side quest or two in between. However even then if you loot corpses and sell most of the stuff you'll be RICH in no time so what's the purpose of doing side quests other then just for fun. However even with this aside I felt like I sorta missed out on some content because I didn't look for it, like the arena fights I apparently didn't even notice til someone told me. Artifacts are also everywhere, giving you boosts and negative effects depending. A lot of the negatives though feel to me like cherry picking, because overall I REALLY enjoyed the blast from the past. I also don't think that Clear Sky was the worst of the series either now that I've fully played this for the first time in years and having not listened to others. I'd say give both of these a try just know that this game needs A LOT of patch work and if you look at the history of the game you'd know why.

Story is tight
Difficult (Depending on the person)
Excellent Atmosphere like none other
Gunplay actually feels good besides some of the technical stuff

Difficult (Depending on the person)
Bullets go right through people sometimes
The final stretch can be a huge pain in the ass

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

Vampyr is a game I enjoyed, I did thoroughly enjoy it. I view this game as a Dracula Simulator, moreso in the character relationships and development. Throughout the game you can choose to stalk, persuade and learn about the sixty or so people you encounter in London, as the more intel you find out about them the higher the XP you can get to level up and power yourself, and you can also heal them with medicines you can create via blueprints, where if they get sick you can heal them and get some good XP back. This XP will make you powerful as all hell, BUT, the more that you "Embrace" (or feed) on people, the lower the district health is, and when it's lowered all the way it basically becomes hostile. That's the basic gist with a bit of a plot in between about a plague in London and etc. It's an intriguing social game and experiment and to me I give it points because in a way I put the social aspect of this game in tier with say Shadow of Mordor/War. NOW to the bad part: the combat is ass. The whole reason you're leveling up most of the time is for boss battles and combat, which is for the most part just meh. It can be better the more you feed but that would also depend on if you want all the districts to become hostile and get the bad ending. So honestly I view the game as mostly this:

You can either: Not feed on many people, saving London and getting the good ending (With a better ending if you kill NO ONE) but deal with aggravating difficulty in terms of combat.
You can be a total a sshole, kill people and become a powerful, getting past the difficulties in the combat but dooming all of London and making everything much hostile anyways.

To me this game is a good experiment, in that I enjoy and you might enjoy it too. But if I were you I'd say go with the lowest difficulty with no combat, I made the mistake of choosing a difficulty above the easiest one. Though I could just suck at video games and be a wimp. I will say also there are numerous upgrades you can get for weapons by collecting parts and buying special pieces from merchants. I like it but I can understand that it's for a niche crowd. I'd say give it a try but wait for a price drop.

Dracula Simulator
Interesting Story
Open Choices and interesting characters


That's the review I can think of off the top of my head. It's good but it's for a niche audience. If you're interested try it it's just 50 dollars? Idk

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

I don't know how long ago I got this, but I originally bought it just to try out something new and different as I like to try most forms of gaming (except sports f u c k that s h i t). I try to give most point and click games a fair shake too not that this is one. I don't like this one. If others do I completely get it, I respect the hell out of it. But this game drove me up the wall with some of it's mechanics, by mechanics I mean pulling a frustrating slot machine to match numbers up and also spinning a wheel for ten minutes trying to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do. Mix that with confusing controls (The only controls for this game are the arrow keys to move around, the i button to open up the inventory and spacebar to interact), awkward movement in trying to get where I need to go and a time limit of two hours real time (which half of that time was me trying to figure out confusing puzzles) honestly stresses me out a bit. I respect this game, I respect that it's unique and I respect it's place in history. I didn't get to the end though, nor do I care to get to the end to be honest, I'll watch it on youtube. To the people who were able to complete it with all of the frustrations kudos to you.

The positives though are mostly aesthetic and it's place in history. The FMV movies are blurry and goofy, the part where Laura ends up running down a staircase from a boulder Indiana Jones style made me giggle. Only downside to that is the disembodied voice that keeps interrupting and yelling out "LAURA LAURA" is a bit annoying.

It's goofy and funny, I like the aesthetic
It's place in history

Confusing controls
Monotonous movements and puzzle
Time Limit of two hours in real life, I guess that depends on the person

If you like this game then power to you. Not my thing but I respect it.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

I'm going to give this an upvote because mechanically it's a good game but I'll be honest with you, this is probably my least favorite in the entire STALKER series so far. I like a lot of the ideas going for it, mechanically it's pretty good but there are things about it that don't really mesh well with me. The locations aren't really interesting to me (the beginning area being my least favorite but having some of the best quests funny enough); the story to me is ok, not the best but not the worst; like I don't know. I've been told this is the best STALKER mechanically speaking and I see that but everything else? It didn't really do it for me to be honest and I'm sad about that. I wanted to like this game more than I did to be honest. I don't really know how to elaborate on it much other than that. I'll give it a thumbs up, I'm glad I played it but to be honest nothing will EVER beat the original, and I'm looking forward to playing STALKER 2 if it ever comes out. But I don't know if I really want to play this again much?

Plays great
It's more STALKER
Beginning quests are more interesting
A lot of cool ideas (for example there's multiple endings and they're not all variations on the final choice or whatever)

Story is ok
Locations aren't memorable
Further in the story goes the less interesting quests get (except the last quest of what I call act 2 and a cameo in the story that I won't spoil)

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

This review contains spoilers

Terminator: Resistance is a first person shooter/semi-open world apocalypse simulator made by Teyon, whose only game that I know of was the awful rail shooter Rambo: The Video Game. FIlled with frustrating game design, the fact that this game exists felt like an impossibility, a strange miracle akin to Jesus being shot out of the poop cannon. Alas, it was a success, a pretty damn good one as well and reading the mixed to unfavorable reviews confused the hell out of me and made me question what kind of stuff the reviewers were smoking cause I actually really liked this title. I don’t really know how I knew about this title, but my guess is a buddy of mine wishlisted it, and then I saw it and was like “Awww hell yeah” and gave it a wishlist. For the review, I’m definitely going to give a shoutout to my buddy Steve, aka SuperPunchGod for buying me this game a couple of years ago for christmas. I originally played the game in 2021, but decided to give it another spin after the release of the Annihilation Line DLC that came out.

The plot starts out with Jacob Rivers as a member of the resistance, whose entire division was wiped out by Skynet and their Annihilation Line in 2028. He’s rescued by a mysterious stranger, and Rivers is able to escape with a group of survivors that consist of future love interest Jennifer and her little brother Patrick. However, through various trips in trying to get to safety it’s learned that his division was wiped out by an Infiltrator, a new unit developed by Skynet that seemingly NO ONE wants to believe is actually a real thing that could be used. I don’t remember too much from the plot, mostly because there’s a lot of predictability in the tropes it uses, what I do remember is that you eventually run into Resistance leaders Jessica Baron (another love interest whose not so great) and the legendary John Connor, whom you work for to find a scientist who was exiled after a mishap. After a bunker was wiped out along with the stranger who saved Jacob, Connor informs Jacob that the stranger was actually Jacob from the future sent to protect him from the Infiltrator, who comes from a future with a potential resistance victory. Eventually Connor and Rivers team up to attack the main core of Skynet and succeed in knocking them back a few notches; however this results in Skynet being able to send back Infiltrators to cause the events of T1, T2: Judgment Day and the events of this game. Endings result from choices made in game, such as romance options as well as the final choice: Do you want to get sent to the past to continue the loop or stay with Jennifer and Patrick to look forward to a brighter future? Again, this isn’t the full recap cause I had to jog my memory hardcore so shoutout to Wikipedia, but what I can say is that the plot is okay and the characters are decent for the most part. The standouts are the legacy characters and while the rest of it is sort of forgettable, the parts where they throwback to the old movies really elevate the experience to me. Other than that, the only thing I can say is that the hospital mission in the beginning is a pretty scary experience and also helps elevate the game’s standing.

The gameplay is akin to a combination of Far Cry (past 3) and Fallout 4 in terms of combat and its sort of RPG system. You level up a skill tree that consists of inventory space, explosive skills, crafting skills, basically everything that an open world game of its type would have. The guns are cool as hell, and vary from laser rifles and miniguns; to pistols, uzis and shotguns (which aren’t useful against the Terminators themselves). You can loot downed robots as well as the environments for parts so you can help craft all of these tools that’ll help. Some things that are useful are the Termination Knives, which help you stealth kill terminators in a nearby vicinity as long as they’re not looking in your direction. What I can at least say however, is that I guess if I were to look past my rose tinted glasses I can see why some people would give this aspect mixed reviews. The gameplay feels like a sort of cacophony of different systems from different games that have been done better there but for the most part it’s okay. The lockpicking from the Bethesda Fallout games are here (which I’ll say if it isn’t broken then don’t fix it) as well as a hacking game that consists of you playing Frogger with varying levels of difficulty depending on your skill tree. What I can say though is that with all of these, it works well enough that most people can play it just fine. The gameplay is more akin to something to be played in a casual way, and not some in depth game where you have to learn the systems and how to exploit it. The game also has a sort of semi-RPG system with dialogue choices, two romance options (one which is so painfully obvious to avoid it’s not even funny) and multiple endings. In this regard, the only problem that I have from this aspect was that a late game side quest confused me due to wording that felt like one outcome was going to happen but another thing instead and it affected my ending.

The art design and atmosphere is something that clearly a lot of love was poured into it. From the environments looking straight out of the prologue from Terminator 1 with the oppressive, gray skies to the futuristic aspect of the Terminator models, everything about this game screams love and perks out the Terminator fan service within me. You’ll find old haunts from the movies like Club Tech Noir, Big Jeff’s Burger, Robert Patrick’s likeness being used for a dead resistance soldier, shot for shot remakes of scenes from the old movies (only the future scenes of course), and even certain weapons like the Uzi make an appearance. All of this makes me cream my pants, and I can’t get enough of it because sometimes it’s okay to be a simp for fan service.

Sound Design is also pretty solid; the weapons sounds are phenomenal and sound either punchy or come straight out of the movies it feels like. Almost everything about the sound design is top notch in this regard, though I’d say that the voice acting could be a tad bit better. Realistically, mostly everyone did a decent job so I can’t really complain about that side of the fence. However, I’d like to say that the voice acting of main character Jacob Rivers (aka Generic White Dude 5) sounds like he’s trying to do an impersonation of a tough guy and just comes off kinda tame and generic. Obviously, with everything you can kind of tell that Teyon didn’t exactly have a huge budget to really 100 percent polish everything in the voice acting department, however even though Jacob is a standout snorefest I never really felt like it took me out of the moment?

Overall my thoughts are that it’s a pretty tight casual budget game with a lot of love for the franchise put into it and it clearly shows. It’s not a classic game by any means, in fact if I were to review it based on a score out of ten then it would be somewhere around a seven. Certain things could’ve been tightened up from certain predictable plot points, certain voice acting bits, stiff character models. But the game has a lot of heart and I can’t really say anything bad about it other than I wish that the Infiltrator Mode was more than just a one hour long mission. I’d say that this game was definitely the start for a sort of redemption arc for the developers, and I’m really excited for that new Robocop: Rogue City game that the developers have been cooking up. It has a really interesting concept and something tells me that it’ll improve even more from the formula that Terminator: Resistance came out with. Time will only tell, but my recommendation is to definitely give this game a try, and I’d also recommend the Annihilation Line DLC that while is a bit more difficult, definitely has more of that fan service to the eighties action franchise we all love.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

Honestly this is one of the best remakes I think I've ever played ever. It's literally the PS2 game untouched with all of the old stuff except it feels better, with SEVERAL quality of life improvements to the gameplay to make it feel more fast paced and fair. For example: You can shoot your death ray straight down this time, draining lets you shoot and drain at the same time if that wasn't in the original, you can not only dodge but you can just do straight up hoverboarding, and there's more I can't account for. Now again I love the original but it's been years since I touched the original game on PS2, so if I'm wrong about anything then feel free to discard that. But at the same time it again keeps the original cast, keeps everything that made it special but it even added content cut from the original (mainly one mission called "The Mutant Menace"). And the amount more extra detail they put into each of the levels is astounding! The only things I could say that maybe could mess with people is the art style? That's subjective for me because I think the art style lends to the whole 50's parody aesthetic, though I think having everyone not look like warped cartoonish versions of themselves would've been ok too.

Also holy s h i t that final boss fight in the remake feels WAY harder than the one in the original. Other than that I don't know, I can't really say too much except I hope these guys remake the second and ESPECIALLY the third then continue on with the franchise from there.

Pretty much everything is back but better
Updated environment
Added extra content

It's subjective but some have been mixed on the art style? I don't get it
Still feels like the old ps2 game in some degrees

Overall fantastic 15 hour experience I say anyone who is fans of the original should DEFINITELY try out

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

This review contains spoilers

Chop Goblins is a short indie retro FPS game made by David Szymanski, the guy who made games like DUSK and Iron Lung. Having played and beaten DUSK but not made an official review, I can tell you that it's mucho bueno, pretty damn good. I haven't played Iron Lung yet but I know people who have and seen game play of it and it looks pretty creepy and great. With this game being the last game released by David during the year, I guess it's fitting one of my buddies get me this game for Christmas as well, with it being most likely MY last game of the year as well. I don't have too much to say cause it's a short game but I'll go through it briefly.

The story is simple, you break into a museum in the 80s cause you're bored and you unleash evil accidentally in the form of the titular Chop Goblins. These little bastards throw axes at you and talk to you in Gremlin speak, and you shoot your way through them through the museum, a city, Count Dracula's castle, Greece and then finish off in an alternate future. You wake up in the museum again with everything ok except a cliffhanger which teases a potential sequel of sorts. It's not much for plot, it's the standard FPS plot of "go in and shoot shit" and that's fine with me. The plot isn't really meant to be taken seriously, and truth be told I feel kind of stupid even recapping what plot there is.

The game play is by far the most important feature in this; you like shooting little goblins with a small array of guns? You got it. You have a dagger, a flintlock, a gun that shoots stakes, a street sweeper shotgun, and a magic wand that obliterates and you go through the regular Goblins, Goblins that throw axes, little annoying Vampire dogs, 50s Housewife goblins who hurt you with words an ex-partner would, etc. They feel great. You go through short form levels, where you can unlock secrets and potentially alternate ways of going through the level. It feels good and doesn't overstay it's welcome and I love it for that. If I were to point out a favorite moment it's getting chased around a small building (including the halls) by the Chop Goblins driving a car surprisingly well (though I died, it was still funny) and the boss fight against Dracula himself who spews catchphrases and damages you with bright orange images of bats.

The visual design is great, the standouts to me are The City and Greece with Greece taking the best for looking beautiful and the soundtrack is good too. I guess if there was anything to really add here I'd say you can take off the VHS grain in the options menu.

Overall, like it's a short game you can beat in one sitting, and it's in the vein of a retro style FPS, or as the kids would call it "The Boomer shooter". Only thing I don't really like is the fact I can't jump but honestly it's whatever with how the game is made.

Guns feel good
Got a goofy sense of humor

No jumping

Truth be told I'm kind of grasping for straws making this because it's short but it's good and I definitely recommend getting it. If you're looking for an hour or two to kill you can buy this for five dollars and it's not bad in the slightest. Buy this game, even if it's once I think it's good enough to have fun for an hour or two.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/