this was much more fun than lethal company for a few plays because everything was still unknown. lethal company is better right now, though, because there's still new things being added that make it scary again. if this game gets updates like that it could be great, but right now there's not much to do.

i mean, watching clips of people playing it is like 100x more fun than actually playing

this game has a few issues.

1. the new changes entirely disregard what made the game fun in the first place
2. the game stops being scary when you realize that the ghost has very predictable and repetitive patterns
3. the game NEEDS to be scary to be fun, which doesnt apply to other, better co-op horrors such as Lethal Company

in its prime, this was a five star game. unfortunately it has fallen from grace, hard.

this game's quality fluctuates heavily based on the current meta, season, and changes. the current season (deep freeze) is awful. the servers are a hot mess, the new map is terrible, the new character is overtuned, and there are multiple new unpopular changes. that being said, this game is still really fun and i will return when the game is fixed up a bit.

my rating for this game depends on if i'm in a phase for it, what time of day it is, and what direction the wind is blowing.

guys its still the same game and it's fun stop whining

i used to play this during my "car guy" phase. i liked it well enough to play 142 hours, so it must've been alright.

so i only played the multiplayer for this and i absolutely want to go back and play the singleplayer. the multiplayer was fun too though.

this game is actually really awesome. i miss it, but i don't see myself going back. shame the developers abandoned this for that garbage "raft"

i have no idea what the state of this game is now, but it was not good when i played it and i certainly am not coming back.

yeah, it gets old. but i'm sure the updates do make it worth playing again, just gotta get my friends to hop back on it.

we really were doing anything during early lockdown weren't we

call me crazy but this game was never that fun. there was never much creativity/freedom to the kills and i usually ended up trying to do some genocide route where i kill every person on the map because i was bored. maybe i should come back though, idk.

yeah maybe this was kinda funny in its prime but there is NOBODY funny on here anymore