i respect it but it didn't land for me. i LOVE the customization though.


wow. there's like, zero variation between enemies. lmao.

this was much more fun than lethal company for a few plays because everything was still unknown. lethal company is better right now, though, because there's still new things being added that make it scary again. if this game gets updates like that it could be great, but right now there's not much to do.

i mean, watching clips of people playing it is like 100x more fun than actually playing

i can see this getting repetitive but for now the fun is here!

hard for this game to be finishable when the ONLY tolerable character leaves 15 minutes in, and you don't even know when he's gonna come back.

why is this actually fun

actually pretty fun as long as you dont develop a headache from screaming

my rating for this game depends on if i'm in a phase for it, what time of day it is, and what direction the wind is blowing.

CSGO was better than this. now, though, i would 100x rather play this than the dogshit excuse of a game that is CS2

this one is a difficult one to rate. nowadays, i don't find myself enjoying this game, whatsoever. my hours on this game (which i've set to 5000) may honestly be in the 5 digits range. i have played it from age 7 to age 17, with breaks and addictions mixed in. i have no clue how long i've actually played this game for, but all know for sure is that, despite how bored it makes me now, this is one of the most important things in my life in terms of who i am as a person. from the content i consumed as a kid to the people i became friends with, this game will always have a special place in my heart, and i do not put that lightly. even though now i'd rather do just about anything else, this game gets the most appreciative and loving honorary 5 star rating i could bestow it. as cheesy as it sounds, thank you minecraft, for being something i i could love and rely on throughout the most important years of my life. i will never forget you and the childlike innocence i associate you with.