What a phenomenal game! I played this on my Retroid Pocked Flip to test out its gamecube potential. It played perfectly with just a few slow downs here and there.

I loved the style of this game. Mixed with the adventure of exploring the seas this thing is great. I challenged myself to not look up any guides or walkthroughs and was able to beat the game with 16 of the 20 potential hearts. This game has a reputation for being the "easy" Zelda game and honestly that I could finish it with no help is a testament to that.

However, even though it isn't the hardest Zelda, it is still incredibly fun. There is nothing like sailing the Great Sea, happening upon an Island and discovering what awaits you. This game has rekindled my interest in Zelda. I now want to play Twilight Princes and the switch releases because of this game.

Streamed the PS3 HD remaster of this PS2 game using playstion plus on my PS4, 2023 is wild haha.

Even 21 years later this game holds up. Really fun game play and the writing is still top knotch. All the digs at capitalism and the army are so funny. You can really see the essence of the franchise and what it would become in this first entry. Of the original PS2 franchises (this, Jak, and Sly Cooper) I honestly think this is the best game. It's so large and interconnected.

My only grip is the archaic saving system that gives you no hints as to when a check point as been reached. Replaying complete levels over and over again because you died right at the end is such an early aughts experience lol. That and the difficulty of the final boss. The game is a breeze the whole time and then the final boss is this crazy slog fest that requires you to have soooo many bolts to by ammo throughout the fight. Unfortunately that has the game (which is otherwise phenomenal) end on a bit of a sour note.

Fun little side story to get you ready for KH 3. I've been playing all the handheld games I missed to get ready for 3 and this was the final KH game I hadn't played.

Given it's short length (about one typical world in a full game) it felt more like a tease than a complete game. However what it teased was great. The graphics are phenomenal and the combat/movement systems were smooth and precise. This did get me very stoked for KH3.

Its impossible for me to give this game an honest review. It is a 5 star game for me but I would never recommend it to anyone. I know that the reason I love it is because of the huge amount of time I have spent playing these games since I was a child.

As a fan of the franchise though this have everything I wanted. It fleshed out a ton of the story. Introduces new mechanics (while also basically incorporating all the good ones from the last decade of handheld titles) and looks absolutely stunning. I finished the story in about 30 hours and spent another 10 hours getting the ultima keyblade (which is absolutely broken) and finishing the battle reports. Couldn't be happier with how this game turned out.

This was an okay addition to KHIII. While it did flesh out some of the ending story, it does so in a rather confusing way. I got it, but only after watching a youtube explanation. Ultimately my major complaint is that it lacks much game play. I'd say half of the "play time" was actually watching cut scenes. When you aren't watching cut scenes its just a typical KH end game boss rush (my least favorite part of any entry). The additional end game content is also bananas hard. For a game that I never died while playing on standard I can't even pretend to fight the first of 13 extra bosses. It truly is wild.

Played the rom on my GBC.

Really loved this little game! It's pretty short but every moment is great. It's kind of like a Zelda game in space. However the interactions between you and your ship's AI are very engaging. You really get to know their relationship through their banter. The ending was also very emotional, legit felt something at the conclusion of the story. Would absolutely recommend to anyone.

Very fun little game. Reminds me a bit of super meat boy. I played this on a flashcart on my ips moded GBC. Enjoyed how each area had a unique theme (switching spikes, gravity, bouncing). Made each level in those zones feel unique. Also appreciated the emphasis on speed running. Really forced you to replay levels to better understand/beat them in time. I was able to 100% the game is about an hour and half, but it was a great hour and a half.

Played this on my IPS gameboy color from a flash cart. Really impressive game. Very fun to find a horror game on the gameboy made so recently. It does a great job building atmosphere throughout the three days. You definitely feel the time crunch throughout the game, also the music is superb.

I only did one play through, got the "happiest" ending it turns out. Looking up all the other endings I was surprised by how many and how diverse they all are. Will likely come back and replay it again when its not as fresh in my mind. While its a tad short, it does a lot with the time it has and I think does have some real re-play value.

Played this while downloading my first games. Pretty nifty little tech demo for the new PS5 controller. Honestly got pretty involved in collecting all the playstation console/peripherals. Lots of nostalgia for this stuff lol