It has Tails Doll in it and that is quite swag.
Also, uhhh, does this count as a Sonic game? Do I include it in my ranking of every Sonic game? I have no idea.

Back in 2013, 11 year-old me would use this app (you kids would never understand) to go into people's worlds and just grief, I think as a form of vengeance after someone did the exact same thing to me. Anyway, I went into a world where some kid was building a mansion, and it was genuinely pretty cool, and I readied to do a bit of trolling, but after taking a moment to talk to the kid and all that, I just... didn't do it? And I hung out with him for a bit, we just had fun building that mansion together and talking in the app's voice chat. Before I left, I admitted to him that I had originally joined to grief him but changed my mind after realising I just wanted to hang, and we just laughed about the situation.
No idea where the kid is now, we never saw each other after that, but kudos kid I met on Multiplayer for Minecraft PE a decade ago, I hope you're living your best life.

Out of all the versions of Minecraft that came out, this was certainly one of them.

This game had some crazy completion requirements, with you having to find and collect all 50 monkeys throughout the game in order to get the true ending. I could never do it as a kid as I, one, didn't have the attention span, and, two, some of said monkeys were extremely well hidden and a pain to obtain. This game was also developed by Toys For Bob, the same studio that would go on to develop Crash Bandicoot 4, a game infamous for its collectables and how much of a nightmare it is to fully complete.
Is Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa... a prototype for Crash Bandicoot 4?

Klonoa and the other characters speaking English feels wrong, I'm sorry.

Alligator Obama exists in this universe.

My only memory of this game is playing it at my gran's house on her old PS1 and finding it hilarious that in the game's hub world, you could walk into a lit fireplace and Lara would die from it. I showed it to my grandad and he just got really offended about me killing a fictional character. Years later, I realise it probably contributed to how unhinged I am today.

I rented this game from Blockbuster back when Blockbuster still existed.
I miss renting video games :pensive:

This mod starts off incredibly slow, with the first hour practically being a walking simulator, but once it starts picking up, Raising The Bar gets really, really good and with more polishing up, some trimming of the fat I think this could be an amazing experience. Wishing the best to the mod team, this is insanely promising.

That was the new Rachet & Clank game? That was just the Phineas and Ferb movie but with a lesbian in it!

Pacesetter is the most insane boss I've ever played in a video game, bar none. Insane work on the team's part.

It's a little rough around the edges at points, but this mod really fixes everything wrong with PvZ2 and adds to it, creating a really great sequel to the first game. Wonderful work by the mod team.