I feel like a dickhead for abandoning this in the first chapter, but two things happened within about ten minutes of each other:
First, dialogue that went, roughly: "That sound... it came from the east!" "You're right... perhaps we should go east..." [walks two screens east] "If we follow this corridor, it will go east!"
2: got a game over trying to open a trapdoor because i had not investigated it enough times first
It didn't make me tense due to fear it made me tense due to annoyance, which is less than ideal for a horror game

this was already starting to become a little tired after an hour or so but the jokes about how bad the camera is burned up any goodwill i had left, man. gruel delivered with a wink is still gruel! stop making gruel!!!

More games about wandering around and vibing please. INFINITE games about wandering around and vibing.

more thorts later

I've played this game on-and-off on mobile pretty much since release. I was surprised to learn it's on consoles because it really does work best on mobile; it's a very charming casual game, more designed for fiddling with on your commute than anything else.

Any time I get a new phone this is often one of the first games I install along with Neko Atsume. It's Nice.

Stuck on a dnb playlist and sat and played this solidly for about 3 hours without even meaning to! I have some minor frustrations with how progression is handled at times but I'll ABSOLUTELY take it over the alternative of it being fucking beslimed with microtransactions, something that racing games particularly have A Problem with.

stole a bear potion, drank the bear potion, became a bear permanently, off to a good start

Can't decide if I'll come back to do postgame stuff or not so this is Done For Now

I enjoyed this game a lot but it has, weirdly, The Point And Click Problem where a lot of the gameplay feels more like its preventing me from getting to the bits I like rather than.... being the bit I'm playing the game for? Maybe it's just me.

I understand the weapon durability and repetitive nature of a roguelike are in keeping with its themes but I dunno, those quickly wore thin and I found myself enablng all the easy options just to Get Through It.

ANYWAY THIS IS VERY NEGATIVE BUT I AM USING IT TO PREFACE THAT I ENJOYED IT VERY MUCH. The writing is very funny and charming, the character art is lovely, when dungeons and enemies are new it feels fresh and frenetic. I really do think it's worth powering through my Various Beeves because it's a real fun, cute game, and also you get to absolutely fuck up a Not-Amazon Warehouse at the end with a big stick

"It wasn't your job to keep us together."

If I were being critical, I would say that the ending ties things up a little too neatly which kind of undermines what it felt like it was saying up until that point.

But, dammit, it's a game I feel like I really needed right now for like, a litany of personal reasons I'm not going to share on the Videogame Review Website. I cried a whole lot! Fight me dude!

I wanted to like this so much more than I did! It was a really fun thing to share with friends in early lockdown but a lot of the game itself felt kind of barren compared to earlier games (which I would often end up playing for Years, Plural).

I suspect I might dip back into it later this year since I missed all the halloween stuff (which is my fav), but who's to say.

Actually only started playing this recently, having played the first one a whole bunch as a kid / occasionally dipped back to it as an adult.

What can I say? I thought rollercoaster tycoon was perfect but 2 is More Perfect and I'm excited to lose literal hundreds of hours decorating my rides individually, a thing that nobody but me will ever see or appreciate

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you can be bowser in it goty

started off as a fun experiment in i guess group storytelling and mythmaking around games turned into a load of adults with she-ra avatars saying its lesbophobia to vape or something