Counting completed as "did every grand prix" It's Mario Kart!

Realized I forgot to log this! It's not Metroid 1 at all, but it's pretty damn cool. Propulsive and downright electric in spots. Really appreciate how much these games force you to think through the items you got and to really use them in ways that are not just opening doors. Even though basically every trick comes from previous games, they get used in pretty cool ways here. It's not as emotive as II or Fusion (obviously) but I think the basic video games feelings are really well deployed. Fun stuff!

Despite a couple fun ideas, really feels like it can do nothing but slightly rework stables of Souls ideas. Might pick this back up, but probably not.

Kinda wild how even subscription mobile games are like this. All the effort in the world to make you spend more time on device.

Still pretty dang cool. Appreciate the game's central observation a lot, that mystical and magical forces are yet another means of social power. Even demons and bosses and bureaucracy.

Also appreciate how many storytelling modes this has, games can be a lot of things. All at once even.

First half is fantastic, second half is rough. Still a really interesting, lonely, and tragic FPS.

Instead of being actually novel and silly, this game layers a bunch of recognizable video game stuff on top of an okay golf game. Really boring ultimately!

Really really inconsequential.


I guess I appreciate broadly what this is trying to do. Turning the language of a GTA into a little portrait of community. But without real friction or edge it just means nothing. Boring.

The encounters and AI feel great. Unfortunately the levels are boring and the story is extraordinarily brainless.