The game that made me finally give up on Pokemon

Chalk it up to "you had to be there" but trying to play uncharted these days is a rough experience.

This game should be right up my alley, dinosaurs, cool ancient tribes with interesting stories, giant open world rpg, yet every single time I try to play I feel like I'm playing "generic open world rpg simulator" the game. I want to love this game so badly, but 6 years and a dozen tries later I still cannot get into it.

First pokemon I remember being old enough to be excited for the launch of and staying up with friends to play the second it came out, regardless of the critical/fan reception this one will always hold special to me.

Rogue-like bullet-hell masterpiece

3D platforming at it's very best

glorified gambling simulator with a community as toxic as anthrax.

One of the most innovative and best open world games ever made, only held back by technology of the time and the series refusing to innovate past this point.